Tattoos | Cedric Diggory (Soulmate AU)

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Requested: No
Warnings: None
House: Gryffindor
Key: Y/n- Your name; Y/p- Your patronus

Y/n's POV

Hi, my name is Y/n Weasley, the triplet of the infamous Fred and George Weasley. I love my brothers, all of them... most of the time. They can be a little overprotective, so when the tattoo appeared on my wrist, something clicked in their heads and the stopped at nothing to try to figure out whose patronus it is.

On my wrist is a wolf (image above). I don't know whose patronus is a wolf. I don't even know what my patronus is.

Anyways, I go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and I am in my 7th year. Last year, Hogwarts hosted the Triwizard Tournament, and 'Pretty boy' Diggory nearly died. I don't particularly like Diggory. In fact, we have an argument at least three times a week.

Because he nearly died, someone from the ministry came and took over Dumbledore's position. She also is our new Defense against the Dark Arts Teacher. Her name is Dolores Umbridge and we are learning NOTHING. Because of this, Harry Potter is teaching a group of people, myself included, some things because he has faced You-Know-Who multiple times. There were rumors going around the group that we are going to learn the patronus charm soon, and I'm both nervous and excited.

"Oi, Weasley!" I hear someone call, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turn around and see Cedric Diggory. I roll my eyes and turn back around, continuing my walk towards the Great Hall.

"Y/n! Wait!" He calls again. I huff and turn around. Just in time for him to crash into me, knocking us both to the ground. I freeze. We both do. He's on top of me, panting heavily after chasing me. He quickly comes to his senses and stands up, reaching his arm out to help me up. I take it and he pulls me up.

"Are you going to the DA meeting tonight?" He asks me.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask, glad to not be arguing with him for once.

"I don't know, just wondering." He says, and we continue to walk to the Great Hall. We walk in silence for a while.

"A wolf, huh?" He says catching me off guard.


"Your tattoo. It's a wolf. I saw it when I helped you up." He explains.

"Oh. Yeah, it is. What's yours?"

"It's a Y/p."

"Oh cool. Do you know what your patronus is?" I ask.

"No, but I heard that's what we're learning tonight."

"Oh, okay. I don't know what mine is either."

We arrived at the Great Hall and departed, walking to our house tables.

~Timeskip to that night~

I walked to the DA meeting, watching my surroundings to make sure I wasn't being followed. When I reached the Room of Requirement, I slipped in. There were already a few people there, so I walked over and stood between Luna and George. Fred, who was on George's other side, spoke up.

"Today's the day sis."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Today's the day you find out who the wolf belongs to." George said.


"Yep." They said at the same time.

"A wolf?" Luna asked quietly. I turned around.

"Yeah, it appeared a few years ago."

"That's cool," she said dreamily, "I can't tell what mine is."

"That probably means your soulmate chooses to use a non-corporeal patronus. It functions the same as a patronus, except it isn't in the shape of anything, it's just a ball of light." I explained, having done a lot of research on patronuses.

"Can I have your attention?" Harry said loudly. "Tonight, as many of you know already, you will be learning the patronus charm. Has anyone ever successfully cast the patronus charm?" 


"No? That's alright. To cast your patronus charm, you think of your happiest memory and say 'Expecto Patronum'." He cast the charm and a stag came running out of his wand. All of us Weasleys looked at Ginny. She went red.

"Go ahead and try it. It is alright if you don't do it the first time. It took me a while to learn this." Harry said.

The room got louder as everyone tried to cast the charm. I thought of when I received my letter from Hogwarts. Nothing. I thought about when I learned that I would finally have a sister. Immediately, a Y/p flew out of my wand. I smiled, seeing as I was successful. I looked around the room to see that the only other successful person was Cedric. He had cast a wolf. I stopped smiling. He was staring at me, not smiling either. I turned and ran, not knowing what else to do. I heard Cedric call after me, but I kept running. I ran outside, knowing that would calm me down. I sat down with my back against a tree.

"Y/n?" Cedric called. I stayed silent. "I know you're out here."

He must've seen me, because he walked over to the tree I was under and sat down next to me.

"Are you alright?" He asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't know, I mean, you have a girlfriend and until today, we've never said a word without arguing." I said, truthfully.

"No I don't." He said, confusing me.

"Don't what?"

"Have a girlfriend."

"What about Cho?"

"She kissed Harry."

"Oh... sorry."

"It's fine. As for the other thing, I have a feeling we wouldn't fight if we didn't want to. I'm willing to try if you are." He said. looking at me.

"Okay." I looked up at him and smiled. He did the same.

"Y/n?" I heard two familiar voices. Fred and George.

'Sorry' I mouthed to Cedric. 'It's okay' he mouthed back. I stood up and walked around the tree and up the hill.

"Yeah?" I called back to Fred and George.

"Are you alright? We saw you run out of the room, but we wanted to give you some time to cool off. Is Diggory out here?" Fred said.

"Yes I'm fine. Yes he's out here. Why?"

"No reason." Fred said.

"Keep it in your pants, Diggory!" George yelled. I blushed... a lot.

"Yeah, yeah" Cedric called back, walking up the hill.

"Go away, you two." I told Fred and George.

"No, I think they need some adult supervision, don't you agree, Georgie?" Fred said.

"I'm older than both of you!" I said.

"We're still not leaving." George replied.

"If you don't leave, I'll owl Mum." I said, exasperated. With that, their eyes went wide and they ran, causing Cedric and I to laugh.

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