Dating Him Includes | James Potter

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l o w e r c a s e

james, similar to sirius, calls you many different names, but his aren't as bizarre as sirius's

you'll call him james, prongs, and potter (and sometimes idiot or dumbass)

you, lily, and marlene (mckinnon) are best friends (comment what you would call this trio)

sometimes you three prank the marauders

but you keep your identities anonymous so they have no idea who is pranking them

they never suspect you three

mcgonagall is the only one who knows

and she tells no one bc she finds it hilarious

you're kind of neutral in the whole snape situation

other than james, the marauder you're closest to is remus

because of this, even though james (and remus) are against it, you become an animagus too so that you can help during full moons

james likes to kiss your cheek and nose

mostly because he finds your smile after the kisses absolutely adorable

if you two ever get into an argument and he doesn't see you the next day, he'll use the map to find you

usually, you're either in your room or outside

if you're in your room, he'll ask lily or marlene to check on you

if you're outside, he'll go outside and try to spot you

when he does, he'll turn into a stag and strut over to you (my father did not strut)

by doing so, he both scares you and makes you laugh

you make up and all that good stuff

you steal his glasses and put them on

"holy crap, you're as blind as a freaking bat"

taking his sweaters

and them being huge on you bc he's a freaking giant

somehow he knows how to braid and will braid your hair

and he's really good at it

he gets jealous pretty easily and will go over to you in the middle of your conversation and throw you over his shoulder

he stares at you every class

tries to make you laugh all. the. time

one time the marauders and the girls were hanging out in the common room

james pretended to be offended by something (it was clear that he wasn't)

he stomped away and went upstairs

accidentally going up the girls' stairs

they turned into a slide and he fell, causing everyone to laugh

everyone, and I mean everyone

like paintings, ghosts, teachers, and students

everyone had bets on who would make the first move before you two got together

you did

after you graduate, you get married and travel the world together before you settle down and start a family

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