Jailbreak | Gally

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It's our first Maze Runner imagine! I hope you enjoy!

Requested: no
Warnings: hinting towards rape
Special Details: this is a while before Thomas comes up in the box


"Hey Newt, do you know if we have any flashlights?" Alby asked, walking up to the blonde boy.

"We do, yeah. Why?"

"I have an idea for a game we could play tonight and we will need flashlights." The leader explained.

"I think they're in the storage closet in the Homestead." Newt said before turning back to his work.


Once the sun set and the doors closed, Alby called everyone to the porch-like structure of the Homestead.

"All right, so we're playing a game tonight called Jailbreak. For those of you who have never played, this is how it goes: there will be a large group of people who are 'it'. They all get flashlights. They will go inside the homestead for five minutes giving everyone else a chance to hide. Once those five minutes are up, the people who are it come out and try to find everyone. In order to tag you, they must shine their flashlight at you and call your name within three tries. If you are tagged, you go to 'jail' which will be this porch. At any moment, someone who is not it can jailbreak those who are in jail. When they jailbreak, they must yell "jailbreak." Those who have just been broken out of jail have thirty seconds before they can be sent back, but the one who called "jailbreak" does not have any time. Obviously, you can't go into the maze, and you can't go into any buildings, but anywhere else is fair game. We'll play for about thirty minutes, and then we'll either switch who's it or we'll stop altogether. Any questions?"

"How do we decide who's it?" Someone called.

"Well first off, does anyone not want to play?" There was a small silence.

"Great. Now does anyone want to be it? I would recommend only volunteering if you think you know everyone's name." A few people raised their hands.

"Okay, now since we have such a big group, I'll choose a few more people."

Once those who were it went inside, everyone scattered. Y/n was at a bit of a disadvantage. She had only been in the Glade for just under a week, so she didn't know the area as well as any of the others. A few people offered to stay with her, but she declined, seeing as she was stubborn and wanted to do it on her own.

She went in to the woods, deciding that her best bet would be to climb a tree.

Once she was situated, she noticed a few figures coming out of the homestead with flashlights. 

'Perfect timing' she thought.

About ten minutes into the game, someone saw Y/n and called her name first try. You see, she was the only girl in the glade so it wasn't difficult to figure out who she was.

Y/n climbed down from the tree and headed toward the Homestead. There were a few others already there and someone had already broken even more out earlier.

Y/n was quite proud of herself for making it that far without being caught.

Just as Y/n sat down, she heard some rustling in bushes not far from them. Crossing her fingers, she hoped that it was someone there to save them.

The others must have heard it, because they began yelling "save us" and "jailbreak us" to cover up the noise.

She saw a figure begin racing towards them. It was Minho, no doubt about it, and he was trying to save them.

After being successfully 'jailbroken' by Minho, Y/n decided she couldn't go back into the tree. She ran in the opposite direction. She had made it to the Slammer, which thankfully had quite a few shadows around it.

Suddenly, a hand covered her mouth and an arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her farther into the shadows.

She spun around to see Gally.

"Wh-" She began, but was immediately muffled by his hand over her mouth again. He pointed to the light of a flashlight not too far away from them.

Y/n nodded her head and he removed his hand. She stepped closer to him, in an attempt to shield herself even more in the shadows. Sensing what she was trying to do, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. They both held their breath as the light inched closer and closer before finally shining right at them.

"Y/n," the voice called and she sighed, stepping away. "And Gally? What- you know what? Never mind."

Once the two made it to jail, they sat down. Another jail break had just occurred, so there was no one else there.

"Gally, I get that you were only trying to help me, and I thank you for that, but don't you think you could have done it differently?"

He looked confused, so she continued.

"What do you think a girl's first though is when someone covers their mouth and pulls them into a dark corner?" As he thought about this, his eyes widened.

"Shuck, I didn't even think about that. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to alarm you, I just didn't want you to get caught."

"It- whatever. It's fine."

"N-no. No it's not. I'm sorry."

"Gally, I forgive you okay?" She smiled at him. She had never seen him so worried about something, or if she did, she didn't remember. She leaned her head on his shoulder, and it was quiet for a while.

"Do you- do you think about that often? Do you feel threatened?" Gally asked and she picked her head up.

"I mean, I've learned to trust a lot of you, but at any moment, someone could decide to turn on me and I would be helpless, so yeah, the thought crosses my mind relatively often."

"I want you to know that I will do anything and everything I can to make sure you don't feel threatened by me or anyone else again."

"Thank you Gally. Really." She sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder again.

She noticed a rather large group of people walking towards the Homestead. Gally must have noticed her look as he looked as well.

"Thirty minutes is probably up." He explained.

Gally stood up before helping Y/n up from her spot on the floor. 

As people began arriving to the Homestead, they came to an agreement that, although it was fun, it was getting late and they should probably head to bed. Before following the others, however, Gally walked over to Alby.

"Alby, I need to talk to you. It's important."

I was going to add more, but I figured it's pretty long already. If you want a part two though, just let me know. I hope you enjoy it!

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