Dating Him Includes | Cedric Doggory

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yep, still all lowercase, don't ask why bc i have no idea

alright, so i feel like cedric would call you love, darling, or he would use some embarrassing nickname from when you were growing up (if you have one that you're okay with sharing, I would love to see them)

and you would probably either call him ced, cedric, diggory, or you would call him by his middle name (which idk, but comment what you think it is)

he would hug you from behind and kiss your shoulder

holding hands all the time

he spoils you so much

like say you're at hogsmeade together and you're looking at something, but decide it's too expensive or you don't actually need it, somehow it'll end up in your trunk within the next week

he's super observant and notices whenever your even the tiniest bit down

and immediately hugs you which usually helps

but if it doesn't he'll sneak into the kitchens and get your favorite snack or dessert

at one point, he asks the weasley twins if they can tell him a way to sneak into hogsmeade

they do and he then can get you candy too

in the summer, you go swimming together (not skinny-dipping you dirty minded people, normal swimming)

and you have a splashing contest (you decide who won)

after said contest, you work together to splash your unsuspecting older sister who was tanning (if you don't have one, pretend. tbh, I don't even have one)

she gets mad and you two start laughing

anyways, other than that one time, i feel like he has a great relationship with your siblings (again, if you don't have any, either ignore this or pretend) and parents (or guardians)

if you have a little brother (i'm talking 4-6 yrs old), cedric probably is his role model

back to you and cedric though

you go on walks a lot and just sit and talk

in the summertime, when you're at home you'll lay under the stars and talk

or sometimes you won't say anything, but simply being in each other's presence is enough

you get married and grow old together and he doesn't die because voldemort is a no-no

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