Dilemma | Harry Potter

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Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva I changed the request a little, but it's the same idea
Warnings: trigger warning (mentions of death and torture)
Special Details: none really, all will be explained (I hope)


di·lem·ma/diˈlemə,dīˈlemə/nouna difficult situation or problem."the insoluble dilemma of adolescence"


Harry Potter had a dilemma.

What, you may ask, was said dilemma?

A crush.

Who, you may ask, did he have said crush on?

Y/n L/n.

How, you may ask, did he meet said girl on which he had said crush?

Allow me to explain.

Now, Harry Potter met Y/n L/n during their very first train ride to Hogwarts, but this story starts long before that.

You see, at a very young age, Y/n L/n was put into a unique situation (though, sadly, not as unique as one may think). Y/n L/n came from a long line of wizards and witches, making her a pureblood. Now, many other purebloods had a mindset that they were better than everyone because of their heritage. The L/n family did not have this mindset, and so they were often called "bloodtraitors" by the other purebloods. There were several other families without the mindset, including the Weasleys, Y/n's cousins. You see, Molly Weasley and Y/n's mother were sisters, which brings me to Y/n's unique situation aforementioned.

Because the L/n family were "bloodtraitors" many families did not think too highly of them, specifically the Blacks and Lestranges. Belletrix Lestrange (née Black) was known for being a "Death Eater." Because of this title she had certain views and, well, the L/n family disagreed with almost every one of them. Because of this, in the middle of the night while three-year-old Y/n was spending the night with the Weasleys, her parents were murdered by Bellatrix Lestrange.

The Weasley family took Y/n in and, although she couldn't remember her, Y/n grew up to be more and more like her mother every day. 

1st Year

"Ron, it's time to go!" Y/n shouted, zipping up her jacket. The Weasleys and Y/n were getting ready to go to Kings Cross where Percy would leave for his fifth year, the twins their third, and Y/n and Ron their first. Y/n was beyond excited.

"I don't know what I'll do without you for a whole year, Y/n." Ginny, who wouldn't start at Hogwarts until the following year, said.

"You'll be fine, Ginny. Plus, I'll see you at Christmas." Y/n said, for that was the plan (she had no idea it would be changed, but that's beside the point).

Once the family arrived at Kings Cross, Molly explained how to get on the platform.

Out of the corner of her eye, Y/n noticed a boy approaching them. He seemed to be alone, but he was, without a doubt, a wizard. The boy had dark hair and green eyes. He wasn't as tall as Ron, but was a little taller than Y/n.

"Excuse me, how do you-" he began asking Molly.

"Oh you must be a first year!" Molly exclaimed and the boy nodded, "Well that's no problem, Y/n and Ron are too." Ron gave him a large smile while Y/n blushed, suddenly extremely interested in her shoes.

Y/n and Ron boarded the train together, looking for en empty compartment. Y/n suggested sitting with Fred and George, but Ron insisted that they would do nothing but make fun of him the entire time.

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