Bedtime Stories | Jack Kelly

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Requested: no
Warnings: Cursing
Special Details: set in a modern time, so I changed the lodging house to a group foster home.

"Mom, I'm going to Jack's!" Y/n called to her mom, grabbing her jacket.

"Okay! Don't be back too late! Text me if you need anything!" Her mom called from upstairs.

"Alright, bye!"

Y/n walked out the door, starting her walk to Jack's home. It was a short walk and a nice day, so the girl didn't mind walking.

Jack Kelly and Y/n L/n had been best friends for as long as either of them could remember. Recently, the two had become more than simply "best friends." Because of this, the two were together much more often.

Y/n approached Jack's home. He was a child in the foster system, who lived in a group home in Manhattan, New York. Y/n had lived in the home as well, but she had been adopted by a loving couple and moved out.

"Y/n!" A young boy exclaimed, hugging her as he opened the door for her. She had acted as a sister to many of the boys in the home.

"Y/n!" Another boy, nicknamed Crutchie, called.

"Hiya boys!" She returned the many hugs that came her way.

"Y/n!" Jack called, nearly tripping down the stairs as he ran, causing Y/n to laugh.

"What's so funny?" He smiled, hugging his girlfriend.

"You almost fell," the girl giggled.

Jack rolled his eyes, giving Y/n a kiss on the forehead.

It was Friday night, so there was pizza for dinner. Everyone had decided that, because they can't agree on a movie, they would just have a game night. The younger kids were playing in the basement, while the older kids played on the main floor. The older kids (minus Y/n, who was just watching) were playing Monopoly, which is how this conversation came to pass. Y/n, already laughing, pulled out her phone to record the exchange

"Uh-uh, Jackie boy, nice try. Pay up." A boy nicknamed Racetrack said.

"I can't." Jack said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means I'm fucking broke and I can't pay you."

"Well then sell some of your property. I'm not letting you off the hook."

"I don't have the fucking money!" Jack yelled.

"Well then you'd better get the fucking money!" Race yelled back.

"Guys, stop cursing, the little kids'll here you." Y/n scolded, although she couldn't help but laugh.

"Speaking of the little kids. Y/n, dear, could you go tell them it's time to get ready for bed?" Medda, the woman who ran the group home asked from another room.

"I'd be happy to." Y/n said, standing up from her seat next to Jack.

Y/n walked down stairs and found the younger boys wrestling Skittery, an older boy who had volunteered to watch them and make sure they didn't get into too much trouble.

"Oh my goodness," Y/n mumbled, laughing.

"Y/n! Help!" Skittery called, also laughing.

"I don't know, Skittery, I think these boys are stronger than I am. I don't think I would be much help." Y/n said, Skittery knew she was joking, but the other boys didn't.

The (rather large) group of boys got a mischievous look in their eyes. It seemed as though they were all thinking the same thing because they ran at her, tackling her to the floor.

Y/n screamed, not expecting the attack. This may not have been the best idea, though, because Jack came running down the stairs, having heard the scream and being absolutely terrified for his girlfriend.

"What is happening?" Jack asked, sighing a sigh of relief to see his girlfriend was safe, well, sort of. She was still pinned to the ground by a bunch of 5-9 year olds.

Y/n looked from Jack, to the boys, and back to Jack before bursting into laughter at the odd situation.

The boys got off of Y/n and she stood up.

"I almost forgot why I even came down here. Boys, Miss Medda said it's time for you to go to bed."

There were a few complaints, but the boys went up to bed nonetheless.

"Y/n?" The youngest boy asked, he had nicknamed Whispers because of his tendency to do so.


"Could you read us a story?"

"I'd love to!"

"Ok!" He said cheerfully before running upstairs.

"He's adorable," Y/n smiled, looking up at Jack. Jack hummed in response, kissing her.

"Oh my gosh, at least warn me!" Skittery shouted, covering his eyes. Jack and Y/n both laughed, rolling their eyes.


Y/n walked up to the large room where all of the younger boys slept.

As she stepped into the room, she saw that all of the boys were sitting up in their beds, waiting for her.

Y/n walked over to their bookshelf, trying to pick a book to read.

"I used to read these books as a kid!" She gasped, pulling the first 'Magic Treehouse' book off of the shelf.

The girl sat in a chair and opened to the first chapter.


The book was short and it was relatively early, so Y/n had been given permission from Medda to read the whole thing. As she was finishing up that last chapter, Jack walked in.

"Sorry to interrupt, do you need a ride home?" He looked to her.

"It's Jack like Jack in the book!" One boy pointed out.

"Where's your treehouse, Jack?" Another boy asked.

"My what?"

"Your treehouse." Y/n repeated, holding up the book.

"I don't have a treehouse right now. Maybe one day I will though." Jack told the boys. "Do you need a ride?" Jack asked again.

"I don't need one, I can walk." Y/n said.

"Okay, let me know when you're leaving. I'll go with you." He said, stepping out of the room.

Y/n finished the chapter and closed the book. Most of the youngest of the boys were already asleep.

"Maybe next time I come, I can read the next one." She said.

"There are more?" A boy asked in awe.

"There are a lot more." Y/n said. "Good night, boys."

Y/n shut the door quietly and walked down the stairs. She responded to a text her mom had sent asking when she would be home saying she would probably leave soon.

"Alright boys," Y/n started, "I'm gonna head home. It was nice seeing you all. I had a lot of fun."

There were a lot of hugs and byes and see-you-laters.

"You should come back soon, Y/n. It's always a joy to see you." Medda said, hugging her.

"I think I have to. I promised the boys I would read the next book to them sometime."

"They do love their bedtime stories," Medda laughed.

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