Lightsaber Battle | Peter Pevensie

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Requested by: no one

Warnings: none

Special Details: modern au; i've done one similar to this before but oh well; B/n means brother's name, L/n means last name


"B/n, they're here!" Y/n called after looking out the window. She watched as her boyfriend and his siblings walked up the steps towards the front door of the L/n house.

You see, the family had planned a birthday party for Y/n's younger brother. They had invited his entire first grade class, but no one had showed up, so they invited the Pevensies siblings at the last minute.

She heard the feet of the six year old stampeding down the stairs.

"You're just in time," Y/n said as B/n nearly ran into her, skidding to a stop at the door as the two heard a knock, "do you want to let them in?" He gave her an eager nod and she unlocked the door before motioning to him to open it.

"Hi guys!" He said with a large smile spread across his face as the four walked in.

"Hey B/n!" Peter said, "Happy Birthday!"

"Tell me again, how old are you now? 73, right?" Edmund grinned.

"No, I'm six!" B/n said, laughing at the mere thought of being 73.

"Where should I put this?" Susan asked Y/n, holding up a bagged gift.

"Oh, I can take that," Susan handed her the bag, "I'll be right back."

"Hello Pevensies, thank you so much for coming!" Mrs. L/n said, walking in from the kitchen as Y/n returned. "Have you had lunch yet?"

The shook their heads and she smiled.

"Great, neither have we. I just ordered some pizza," B/n cheered at the name of his favorite food, "so why don't we have B/n open his presents while we wait for it to arrive?"

"Presents!" B/n cheered, running to the living room, where there was a stack of gifts for him. Susan, Edmund, Lucy, and Mrs. L/n followed him (Mrs L/n calling for Mr L/n)

"Hi," Peter smiled down at his girlfriend when they were alone.

"Hi," she smiled back, kissing him softly.

"Hey lovebirds, you coming or what?" Edmund's voice rang from the living room.

The two rolled their eyes before heading to the living room.


As B/n opened his last gift, the doorbell rang.

"Perfect timing," Mrs L/n said, grabbing her wallet and walking to the door to pay for the pizza.


"So, B/n, I was thinking: because you got so many lightsabers (he had recently been introduced to the Star Wars franchise and had indeed fallen in love) what if we went outside and had a lightsaber battle." Y/n suggested once everyone had finished their pizza. B/n's eyes went wide.

"Yes!" He exclaimed.


Once everyone (excluding Mr and Mrs L/n) had gotten outside, they decided to split themselves up into teams, the Jedi and the Sith.

"Okay B/n, who do you want on your team?" Y/n asked, already knowing the answer.

"Edmund and Peter!" He exclaimed. The three girls shook their heads, smiling.

"Alright, and are you the Jedi or the Sith?" Y/n asked, already knowing the answer yet again.

"I want to be Luke!" He said with a smile.

"Alrighty then," Y/n handed him Luke's lightsaber.

Edmund chose Yoda's saber, and Peter chose Obi-Wan's.

"Ladies?" She turned to the girls, holding out a variety of Sith lightsabers.

Lucy grabbed Count Dooku's saber with a curved hilt, while Susan reached for Kylo Ren's with a cross-guard.

Y/n decided to go with Darth Maul's double-bladed saber. Edmund and Peter tried to argue that having two blades wasn't fair, seeing as each of them only had one.

"Either of you could've chosen Ahsoka's two lightsabers but oh, she's a girl and you're strong men, aren't you?"

The two gave a sort of grumble in response and the battle began.


B/n, Edmund, Susan, and Lucy had all "died" so it was down to Y/n and Peter.

Y/n had an idea.

She caught Peter off guard and kissed him. He froze, kissing back. She quickly tapped her lightsaber to his chest, signaling that she had killed him, and pulled away.

"But- but that's not fair!" Peter whined as she walked away.

"Oh isn't it?" She smirked.

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