Knock Knock | Fred Weasley

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Requested: No
Warnings: No
Special Details: After the war (he lives)

Requested: NoWarnings: NoSpecial Details: After the war (he lives)

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3rd Person POV

Y/n L/n, girlfriend of Fred Weasley, and cashier at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, was headed to the Burrow for Christmas Dinner. She had decided to walk because it was right down the street from her house and she wanted to see the beautiful thing that snow is as it falls onto the road.

It took about twenty minutes for Y/n to get from her house to the Weasley's. She knocked on the door and Ginny opened it, Teddy Lupin in her arms.

"Hi, Y/n, Happy Christmas!" She said pulling her into a hug.
"Happy Christmas, Gin. Happy Christmas, Teddy."
"Y/n's here!" Ginny called through the house, opening the door wider so that Y/n could walk in.

A loud crash came from upstairs (probably the twins' room) and it sounded like a stampede was running down the stairs.

Fred's face came first, running down to meet his girlfriend. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her on top of her head. Next was George, who pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

"Alright George, she needs to breathe." Mrs. Weasley's voice came, "hello dear."
"Hello Mrs. Weasley"
"I told you once, I'll tell you a million times, call me Molly."
"I'll try to remember," Y/n laughed.

Next, Hermione pulled Y/n into a hug.
"Hey, 'Mione, didn't expect to see you here!"
"I was done at my parents' house so I figured I'd come."

Ron pulled Y/n into a hug.
"You're taller than me?!" Y/n joked. She had been shorter than Ron since fourth year, but it was an ongoing joke.
"Have been for years, Y/n," was his response.
Finally was Harry, who had been like a younger brother to Y/n throughout their years at Hogwarts.

"Happy Christmas Harry." She said, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Happy Christmas Y/n," he said, returning the hug.

Everyone started heading back upstairs, but Y/n, who was last, stopped on the stairs. "Do you need any help, Mrs. Weasley?"

"No, that's alright dear, you have fun."
"Are you sure? It's really no trouble."
"I'm sure, Y/n, thank you for asking though, I do appreciate it."

Fred, who had come back downstairs to see what was taking his girlfriend so long, smiled at the interaction he overheard between his mother and Y/n.

Y/n continued up the stairs and saw Fred on the stairs. She gave him a look, one she had given him many times, a look as if to say, 'what were you doing?' Fred, however, simply shook his head and smiled. The couple went back upstairs and joined the others.

A while later, after the large group had had dinner, everyone was laughing, talking, and genuinely enjoying each-other's company by the fire. Y/n's head was on Fred's shoulder and she was struggling to stay awake.

"Hey Y/n?" She heard, just as she was about to fall asleep.

"Yes, Fred?" She answered.

"Knock Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Marry who?"

"Marry me?" Y/n's head (which had stayed on Fred's shoulder through the joke) shot up, allowing Fred to stand up, which he did. The young man kneeled and took a small box out of his pocket, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Y/n L/n, I love you with all my heart. Whether it's because you're trying to stop me from being stupid, or because you actually want to spend time with me, you have always been there for me. I have done my best at being there for you, and I hope to continue to do so. So, Y/n L/n, will you do me the honor of being my wife."

"Yes, Fred Weasley," she nodded, "yes I will."

Yes, I'm aware it's nowhere near Christmas. No, I don't care. Sorry it's short.

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