Dating Him Includes | Fred Weasley

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i'm going to write this in all lowercase just because i feel like it so yeah.

only calls you love or calls you by your last name

in return, you usually call him weasley

he's so tall that he'll sometimes use your head as an armrest just to annoy you

he loves to make you blush

"you're adorable" "shut up"

you steal his sweaters, jumpers, whatever you want to call them

"have you seen my... oh"

he tries to switch with george to see if you'll notice

"hi george" "how do you do that?!"

you're constantly rolling your eyes (usually playfully)

a lot of people expected you two to argue a lot, but you rarely do

kisses you every chance he gets

never pranks you

mainly because he doesn't know if it could go wrong and doesn't want to risk you getting hurt

for the same reason, he doesn't really like it when you help with the pranks, but also likes it at the same time because he's spending time with you? idk he's confusing

so many hugs from behind (usually frightening you)

you can always tell when he's up to something

"hello love" "what're you up to?" "i didn't even-"

whenever you're ranting because you're mad or sad or whatever, he cuts you off with a kiss

mrs. weasley loves you

not even joking: every time she sees fred she asks about you "is y/n coming" "how's y/n"

made you a sweater before she even met you

fred's lowkey embarrassed about it but you find it adorable and your eyes get watery

bill, charlie, and george always tease him about getting married and having kids etc

which happens because he doesn't die because no

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