"I'm fine," Hazel interrupted with a sigh, looking over at her godfather. "I'm fine but I'm mad. I can't believe she doesn't know why," she grumbled, tucking her hair behind her ear. "It's ridiculous!"

"I agree with Little Fenwick," Sirius said pointedly, George nodding along. "Have you actually told her you want her to be here though?" Hazel shook her head in response, biting her lip. "Maybe you should? Some people don't know what to do unless you tell them," he said truthfully.

"He means him," Remus added, lightening the mood. Sirius slapped his arm playfully while Hazel and George chuckled. "But seriously, maybe you should let her know." Hazel thought about it for a minute before caving in with a slow nod. "We're off then. Sirius has a lot to see in Hogsmeade," the longer haired man grinned at that. "We'll see you both this weekend, at your grandparents'?"

The younger couple nodded, smiling back at them. "Enjoy your freedom, Paddy," the girl waved at the couple as they left the store, saying their goodbyes. "They're perfect for each other," she murmured, George humming in agreement. "Did you owl the provider?" Hazel rested her hand on top of George's, which was set on the counter.

"Yep," he smiled, popping the p. "Did Malfoy owl back?" He asked back, making her chuckle.

"Nope," Hazel said, doing the same sound. "He's being an ass. I think I'll just -" before she could finish her sentence, Hera flew in, resting upon the windowsill. "Wait, that's not Hera," it wasn't Draco's half eagle half owl either, it was Hedwig. George walked to the creature, removing the letter from his leg. Hazel joined him by the window, taking the piece of paper in her hands, tearing it open.

Hazel, George,

Ron got poisoned. He's okay, stable and awake but still in the infirmary. I suspect Malfoy is behind all this. Get here as soon as you get this. Hermione and I haven't left Ron's side but as soon as I do, if I find him, I can't honestly say I'll keep my promise.

I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me if it comes to that,


"Fuck!" Hazel cursed loudly, looking up at George, who had a worried look on his face. "Are- are you okay?"

The boy looked down at Hazel, shaking his head. "We have to go," Hazel nodded, taking out her wand and Accio-ing their brooms loudly. "Get going, I'll go find Fred, he's at the Three Broomsticks with Angie," George spoke, grabbing his wand and opening the door, letting Hazel out first. He closed it, locking it shut and flipping the sign from the outside, using magic. "I'll meet you at the infirmary - go find Malfoy," he leaned down, kissing her briefly.

"Be careful!" They said to the other at the same time before mounting their brooms and taking off in different directions.

As Hazel flew towards Hogwarts, her brain couldn't stop thinking about Draco. The obvious answer was that he was the one that had poisoned Ron, but why would he? Ron, out of all people? Had he done it to get back at Harry? Was there an actual reason, or was he just as cruel as everyone told her he was? Shaking those thoughts off, she bit her lip, tightening her legs around the broomstick, going even faster. Fifteen minutes later, Hazel landed on the yard right outside of the entrance.

Luckily, Zabini, Parkinson and Nott were standing by one of the trees, chatting and laughing. "Where's Draco?" She asked, walking up to them. Theodore turned to her with a raised eyebrow. "I need to find him," before Theodore could say anything, Pansy spoke up.

"Look for him in the Common Room," she said quietly, ignoring Blaise and Theodore gaping at her. Pansy knew there was something off about Draco, he hadn't spoken to her in a while, something was wrong and if someone was there to help him then she'd let them. "The password is Basilisk," Blaise exhaled loudly, shaking his head at the girl disapprovingly while Nott rolled his eyes, leaning into the tree, glaring at Hazel. "But first go to the Great Hall- he could be there-"

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