"You can't be the bigger person, you're 5'4," George said playfully, earning a breathy laugh from Hazel. "But seriously, darling. You don't have to be if you don't want to be. She's your mum and she should've put her fears aside for you," he rubbed her back softly. "Honestly, I don't know how you do it - you could've become an Obscurial... and yet you still forgave her and understood her, the least she could've done was come over when you got hurt," said George, a serious tone in his voice. 

"I guess I never thought about it in that way," Hazel confessed, frowning as she pulled away. "She thought she was protecting me, you know? Like your mum..."

"What my mum did was different, love," the boy shook his head. "She was selfish, yes. But she truly was protecting me. Nothing would've happened to me if I stayed home, on the other hand..." he trailed off, knowing Hazel would understand.

The girl sighed and nodded. "I know, I know," she mumbled under her breath. "Let's just go enjoy a good Quidditch match, get my mind off of all this." The couple held hands as they walked out the room and downstairs so they could leave.

Fred and Angelina were standing by the door, sharing kisses and sweet words. "Get a room," George mocked, a grin on his face.

"You mean like the one you two just came out of?" Fred retorted, making Hazel's cheeks redden.

The younger twin huffed, pushing his brother's shoulder playfully. "We were talking, you tosser. Might wanna do some of that instead of always -"

"Okay, that's plenty out of both of you!" Angelina stopped them, Hazel nodding along. "Let's just go, okay? I wasn't keen on you all being late when you were on the team, I'm not keen on being late now."

"Aye, aye, Captain," Fred smirked, opening the door with his broom in hand. The rest of them followed his lead, grabbing their brooms and walking behind him.

"Funny, Frederick," Angie muttered, flicking the back of the boy's neck.

With a gasp and a flinch Fred turned around, "Stop teaching everyone but me how to do that!" He cried, glaring at Hazel. The girl gave him an innocent smile before mounting her broom and taking off. "FENWICK!" George laughed loudly before going after his soulmate. Man, this girl.


The team entered the pitch, welcomed by Gryffindor's loud screams. Fred, George, Angie and Hazel stood beside Hermione, Neville and Luna with her amazing hat. They were playing Slytherin, their all time rival. Hazel looked over at Ron, a frown setting on her face. "He doesn't look nervous at all!"

Hermione rolled her eyes subtly, muttering under her breath, "Harry may've had something to do with that," Hazel raised an eyebrow but said nothing in return. "I'll tell you later," she murmured to her friend, who nodded.

Finally, the whistle blew and the teams were off. "Where's Draco?" Hazel asked, looking for the boy with a frown. We are supposed to meet up during the after party...

"Harper's substituting," explained Hermione, "Malfoy has actually been staying out of everyone's way," the girls watched as players bumped into each other roughly, fighting over the Quaffle.

Zabini hit it with his elbow, passing it to Vaisey, who shot it at the hoops. Ron was fast though, blocking the shot before it went in. "YES!" The Keeper raised his fist in celebration as the crowd went wild.

Again, and again, and again. Ron saved every single throw, not missing a beat. A Bludger hit Crabbe in the chest, sending him down to the ground. Ginny was amazing with the Quaffle, avoiding Bludgers and Slytherins left and right. "Go Gin!" Hazel cheered, clapping along with the younger girl's brothers.

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