Aftermath of the Reynolds Pamphlet

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“Angie, come on it’s not my fault Hamilton decided to write the Pamphlet and actually publish it. Nobody told him to do it. That was all Hamilton's doing.” Thomas Jefferson said desperately to a fuming Angelica.

Angelica whipped her head around and stared him down and he seemed to get smaller the longer she glared at him. “Not your fault?” She asked in a dangerously low voice, taking a few steps so that she was a mere inch away from him. “You goaded him into doing something stupid like this. You know Hamilton and you know he is driven by ambition and that makes him reckless at times.”

“I didn’t want him to publish the pamphlet. I went to confront him because Burr, Madison, and I thought he was embezzling money. When he told us the money was going to James Reynolds because he was sleeping with his wife we promised not to say anything.” He explained calmly. He thought that would assuage Angelica’s fury but boy was he wrong. She looked even angrier than before and Jefferson didn’t think that was possible until now.

“Oh, and that makes it better? You knew he was cheating on my sister and you didn't think to say anything?”

Okay, now he really was confused. First, she was mad at him because Hamilton published the Reynolds pamphlet and now she was mad because he knew but didn't say anything?

“Angie, you’re really confusing me here. I thought you didn't want anybody to know about it? But now you're angry because I didn't say anything?” This woman really was a puzzle. A very very stubborn and confusing puzzle.

She sighed. “I didn't want the whole world to know, but it would have been nice if you came to me or my sister about Hamilton’s affair. Eliza deserved to know but she didn’t deserve to find out the way she did. She found out her husband was cheating on her at the same time as everybody else.” She said, calming down just a little.

“Okay, I admit that I should've told you and Eliza about his cheating, but I still can't fathom why you are this upset at me, that anger should be directed towards Hamilton.” He pointed out, taking a step away from Angelica now that she was calmer.

"Honestly, I think you are being incredibly ridiculous.” Oh no. Ridiculous Thomas, really you couldn't think of a more appropriate word.

He watched as Angelica's rage from earlier bubble back up.

“You think I'm being ridiculous?"She asked, venom in every word she spoke. Thomas gulped and took four steps back, hoping Angelica didn't notice. “My brother-in-law cheated on my sister and published to the world about the whole ordeal and you're enjoying it. I am definitely furious with Hamilton, but I think my anger with you is where it should be directed.” With those words, she spun on her heels and made her way to Jefferson’s front door. When he realized that she was leaving he followed her.

“Angie, don’t leave.” He begged as they made it to the front door. She stopped in her tracks and he heard her take in a shaky breath before she turned around to face him.

His heart broke at the sight of her, she still looked angry but he could see the unshed tears in her eyes. Knowing that Angelica was hurting this much over Hamilton’s stupid mistake was enough to make him want to kill the man.

“Why? I thought I was inconveniencing you by being so ridiculous.” She spat and he sighed as he was reminded of his poor choice of word.

“That was a poor choice of words, it is perfectly understandable that you be this angry at Hamilton, but I just think it’s unfair for you to blame me.” He explained, hoping that it made sense.

“Okay, so maybe it’s not your fault, but that doesn't change the fact that this whole mess is bringing you a great deal of joy.” She criticized. He opened his mouth to object, but he couldn't lie to her. Because truth be told he was enjoying Hamilton’s downfall.

“See.” She whispered, all the anger she held for Jefferson seemed to disappear. Now all he could see was how sad and tired she looked. Her eyes that were usually sparkling with joy now sparkled with tears.

“Fine, Alexander’s downfall does make me happy, but I still feel terrible for the rest of the Hamilton family.” He admitted, Angelica rolled her eyes at the confession but kept quiet. He used her silence as a way to sneak back into her good graces. He stepped towards Angelica and pulled her by her waist so that their bodies were pressed together. She allowed him to do that but refused to look him in the eyes.

“Angelica, I would never intentionally hurt you or your sisters. Hamilton is the one I have a problem with, but you and your family come before mine and Hamilton's distaste for one another. If I had known what he was thinking about doing I promise you I would have at least tried to talk him out of publishing the Reynolds pamphlet.”

Angelica nodded her head, but she still refused to to look at him. “Angelica, look at me please.” He pleaded. She slowly lifted her head and he saw her tear-stained face and her eyes that were red and the tiniest bit puffy.

“Angie, I’m sorry.” He pulled her into a hug and she laid her head onto his chest and he rested his chin on top of her head. “I could hire someone to kill Hamilton if you’d like,” He playfully offered, hoping to lighten the mood.

He heard her give a small laugh and smiled. “I would do it myself but, I would prefer my hands stay blood-free.” At this, she laughed harder and raised her head from his chest.

“I’m sorry Thomas, I guess maybe I was being a bit irrational.”

“Just a tiny bit.” He smirked and Angelica rolled her eyes. “But in all seriousness, it’s fine you have every right to be angry and maybe I did deserve some of that anger.”

“Oh, don’t worry Hamilton won’t know what hit him when I finally get to talk to him.” She smiled.

“Can’t wait.”

Thomgelica One-shots because not enough people write about them. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang