Knives Up My Sleeves

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A/N: A little added part to my Spy AU I Keep it Undercover

Eliza knew her sister was happy and she was determined for it to stay that way. Because, yes, she had encouraged this relationship, she had seen the potential for it before the two brooding idiots had even thought about the possibility of them being more than enemies. 

But at the time Eliza hadn’t actually expected anything to blossom between the two. Back then she had simply been doing her duty as an annoying younger sister. It was her job to be nosy and prod into Angelica’s life. Didn’t mean Angelica actually listened, because both of her sisters were the definition of stubborn so more times than not they were left to figure things out on their own. Even when Eliza had been right all along and they probably could have saved themselves some pain if they had just listened to her.

So, no, Eliza hadn’t expected Thomas and Angelica to come back from their mission in Washington all in love. It was adorable because they were finding their way in the world, a new world, a world where romance existed, a world where something more than hate and resistance existed between them. And Eliza was happy for them, happy for Angelica because her sister deserved the world and more. 

And Angelica was finally starting to realize that after all these years of closing herself off she did deserve happiness and Eliza needed for it to stay that way. So of course when Angelica had opted to stay back at Headquarters to finish up some reports Eliza had seen that as her chance. Her chance to get Thomas to understand that she would cut him if he were ever to hurt Angelica.

Intentional or not. Hurt was hurt.

They were currently sitting across from each other, Eliza sipping at her beer as she stared him down and Thomas clutching the beer bottle in his hand and only drinking it when he could take his focus off of Eliza’s glare. That was rare.

“Did you invite me here just to glare at me?” He asked with a nervous chuckle. 

Eliza took her time replying, sipping at her drink first. “Only partly.”

“Okay, then what is the other reason for.”

“Because we need to talk.”

“About what exactly?”

“You’ll know when I decide to begin that particular conversation,” Eliza said, and because Thomas was smart--smarter than he looked--he nodded his head in acknowledgment and took a quick swig of his beer. Eliza almost wanted to smile; she didn’t because she had worked far too hard to make this man shiver at simply hearing her name to ruin it with the warm smile threatening to light up her face.

Eliza watched as he squirmed just the slightest bit and decided that she would wrap this up quickly because after all, she had a boyfriend to get home to. “You and Angelica are together.” She started and he nodded his head. “That’s great, I’m happy for my sister and I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you-”

Eliza cut him off with a laugh. “I wasn’t done.” She hardened her stare and smirked in satisfaction as she watched him struggle with something to come up to say. Before he could finish though she began speaking again. “However happy I am for you, however much I like you and that cute adorable face, I won’t hesitate to break you if you ever hurt my sister.” She warned.

“Intentional or not because hurt is hurt.” She said, repeating her earlier thought process.

“I would never,” Thomas promised and it was the first thing he had said confidently since sitting down in this booth. Eliza knew he couldn’t truly keep his promise because sometimes people in love hurt each other--she would know-- but it was all about how he carried on after the fact.

“I trust that.” She replied because Eliza had a feeling that Angelica and Thomas would be forever, she hoped they would be forever.

Eliza took one last gulp of her beer before standing up and walking away towards the door. When she reached the door she turned around to say one last thing.

“I’m warning you, Thomas, I've got a few knives up my sleeves.” Eliza held an arm up and flashed the shiny metal of one of her many knives. Thomas looked at her with wide eyes but she only walked out of the door, an evil smirk plastered on her face.

She really hoped she wouldn’t have to use her knives.

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