Poor Sport

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"I win."

"Wha- no, you cheated!"

Angelica sighed, they had been playing rock paper scissors for ten minutes now and she had one each and every single game, which was honestly kind of sad. It was rock paper scissors, a game of chance, and as far as Angelica knew there was no strategy to the game and yet Thomas still found a way to lose.

Thomas's terrible rock paper scissor playing was beside the point though. The point was Angelica was the winner and Thomas needed to get that through his thick head because if she had to play one more game she just might strangle him.

"Thomas, you can't cheat at rock paper scissors." She said through gritted teeth.

Thomas scoffed. "You of all people would find a way." He petulantly stated.

Angelica rolled her eyes, "you lost, get over it."

"I'm not doing it." He shrugged

"We made a bet, a bet you lost." She reminded him.

Thomas glared at her and Angelica only arched a brow. "Fine!" He said, throwing his hands up in defeat. 

Angelica smirked. "You really had no choice."


"Fix your face."

"You can't even see my face!" 

"No, but I can feel that frown and that means the kids will be able to as well."

"Fine! I'm smiling now. Happy?"

Angelica looked up at Thomas and grinned. He looked absolutely ridiculous but that was what happened when you made bets you were bound to lose. All though Angelica's still not sure how he failed so terribly at rock paper scissors.

But that didn't matter. The only thing that did matter was Thomas making the kids happy and dressed up as a six-foot-tall easter bunny how could he fail?

And course Thomas didn't want to dress up like the Easter bunny but that was just a perk of having a husband who did whatever you wanted. Even if he had won the bet Thomas would still be fixing the bow tie to his bunny costume.

Angelica smiled. "Well, hop along, the kids are waiting."

A/N: okay this was just something short and simple for Easter a holiday I totally hadn't forgotten about until today.

Thomgelica One-shots because not enough people write about them. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora