By the Water Fountain

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A/N: Inspired by water fountain by Alec Benjamin

He shouldn't be here. He didn't want to be here. But James had dragged him to the party, claimed it was good to get out and socialize every once in a while. Thomas thought that was pretty ironic considering James was pretty much afraid to go anywhere but school his freshman year of high school, he had told him so too. But alas here Thomas was, leaned up against a wall, music pounding in his ear, and a cup of alcohol in his right hand.

His eyes wandered over to James and Dolley Payne having an overly animated conversation. Thomas smirked to himself, James had been chasing after that woman since the first day of college. Not that Dolley knew it, the two of them were idiots in love, but it seemed that some progress was being made. Thomas was sure he would hear all about it tomorrow morning. At least one of them was enjoying the party.

Thomas swished the alcohol around in his cup, he stared at the tiny ripples and sighed. He used to be such a partier, there was never a weekend that was not spent out at some gathering, and now it was a surprise if he even made an appearance, let alone participate in the fun. College did that to a person, or at least to him, it seemed to have had the opposite effect on his best friend.

He closed his eyes, tilted his head, resting it against the wall, his mind racing with all the things he could be doing right now if he hadn't allowed James to drag him here. That was when he heard her voice, the sound of her laugh drifting to him had his eyes shooting open. Thomas quickly scanned the room, searching for her curly hair in the sea of people crowding the place.

He spotted her walking through the mob, her head held down...And her hand entwined with John Church. The muscles in his jaw clenched, the flimsy red plastic cup crushed in his hand as his grip unknowingly tightened. The contents of the drink spill out, dripping down his hands and wetting his black wool sweater. He cocked his head, surprise on his face which quickly turned to a frown.

Thomas huffed in annoyance, he slammed the cup onto a wooden bookshelf and began pushing his way through the crowd, intent on finding James. He had lost track of his friends' location in the short time he had been captivated with Angelica, but it was time to go.

He didn't need this right now, the last time he had seen her, really seen her, it had ended horribly.


They had been walking in comfortable silence for the past ten minutes, the busy streets of New York City filling the void between them, as they trailed along the sidewalk. Their shoulders occasionally brushed against each other and Thomas tried to ignore the warmness that spread through him when it happened.

He liked nights like this, not that they occurred very often, but when they did it was nice to just be silent and let the worries of the world wash away as he walked through the city, Angelica by his side.

"Thomas," he directed his attention to Angelica, a soft smile tugged at her lips. "Let's make a wish." She pointed to a stone fountain with three levels, water shot from the top and trickled down to the bottom.

He dug in his pocket, pulling out two pennies, he handed one to Angelica. "What are you gonna wish for?"

"You're not supposed to tell or else it won't come true." She reminded with a grin.

"I'm pretty sure that's for birthday wishes."

Angelica shook her head, "no I think it works that way for all kinds of wishes and anyways I'm not risking my wish on a technicality."

Thomas laughed at how serious she was about making a wish in a fountain. "This wishing stuff is very important to you."

Angelica shrugged, "I figure if there's a chance I can get rich why risk it?"

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