Backed Into a Corner

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A/N: AU where Thomas and Angelica are private investigators.

Angelica is not exactly sure how they ended up like this, sweaty, breathing hard, and pressed up against each other in a tiny supply closet. She knows that the home they had been investigating for evidence had been empty when they arrived and for thirty minutes after they arrived. She knows that Thomas had been doing some weird but urgent motion with his hands. She also knows that he had grabbed her and yanked her into a room. However, she doesn't know how or why they ended up so close to each other.

She's not exactly mad about either, just extremely confused. Angelica is a hundred percent sure that being cramped up in this closet is necessary if they don't want guns pointing in their faces, she's just not sure why she feels so lightheaded in such close proximity to him. It's like she can't even think straight. It's a weird feeling and she's trying to clear out the fog in her mind but she can't, not with him so close.

Angelica looks up to see Thomas almost as uncomfortable as her, although she suspects it's for different reasons. He's pushed himself as far as he can--which is not very far--on the wall behind him and his breathing is hard and loud, and she has the urge to tell him to shut up because they are hiding from assassins at the moment.

She raises one eyebrow at him, a silent question. He nods his head and he's telling her everything is fine, she doesn't believe him but she lets it go.

The sound of a man's voice makes her crane her neck slightly, Thomas gently nudges her to tell her to stop moving. She huffs quietly but complies. Angelica focuses her attention on the muffled voices, she can't make out what they're saying but they don't sound happy.

Her body tenses slightly, maybe they know her and Thomas are hiding in the closet. Their chances of survival in this compacted space are slim to none. A gunfight certainly wouldn't go over well, she'd probably end up shooting herself or Thomas instead.

Angelica hears footsteps approaching them, she holds her breath and stills herself completely. She can hear the man's breathing through the door, he's close, too close. She clenches her eyes shut as she waits for the inevitable, this isn't the way she wants to leave the world but she doesn't really have a say in the matter.

So her eyes are closed, her body is still, and she's blocking out every sound in the world right now because she thinks that'll make leaving this world in a no doubt brutal fashion easier.

Angelica feels a hand lightly tap her on shoulders, "They're gone." It's Thomas's voice, she opens her eyes, blinking away the blurriness. She looks up at him a little sheepishly, that definitely hadn't been her proudest moment. "It's fine." Thomas smiles.

"It's really not." She responds and before can he protest she cuts him off. "But we'll leave it at that." Thomas grins at her and she smiles back before reaching out for the door handle and pushing the door open. Light floods the previously dark closet and Thomas and Angelica stumble out.

"Never again." She mutters to herself.

"I wouldn't mind this happening again, especially if it means I get to be so close to you." He says and she hears him. Angelica hears him perfectly but she doesn't even know how to respond to that. So instead of turning around to face him and saying something equally flirtatious, she fondly rolls her eyes and smiles to herself.

Thomgelica One-shots because not enough people write about them. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt