Chicken Noodle Soup

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A/N: This is a gender-bend requested by ednasilvacastro355

Tommi Jefferson was the hottest girl in tenth grade... And Angelo Schuyler wanted her. He had had a crush on her since seventh grade but then he had been far too shy and much too scrawny to ever even have a chance at the amazingly beautiful and outgoing girl.

But now after three summers and a part-time job at his dad's construction site Angelo was ripped and his confidence had skyrocketed along with his looks. Now he had a chance and he would do anything he could to get Tommi. After all, he had been her friend for ten years.

How hard could it be to turn that friendship into a relationship?


Apparently, it was harder than he had initially thought because it was four weeks into Angelo's attempt to make Tommi his girl and he had gotten absolutely nowhere. And he was laying it on thick.

First, he had gotten her flowers on Valentine's Day, which was probably a mistake on his part because he had always gotten her flowers on Valentine's day since they were seven. It was a nice friendly gesture and unfortunately, she had taken it as such.

So his first week had been an absolute fail. So the next week he had done nothing but spend extra time with her and complimented her more than usual. When the third week came around he had invited her to the movies to see whatever rom-com was playing in the theater... She brought Jemma Madison!

The invite hadn't extended to her...

What was Angelo doing wrong and why was Tommi so damn oblivious to his attempts? Honestly, it would be better if she had just downright rejected him, but no, she was completely and utterly unaware of Angelo's huge crush on her.

But he wasn't going to give up, because he was many things but Angelo Schuyler was not a quitter. It simply wasn't in his blood.

So today marked the fourth week of his godforsaken plan to get Tommi to be his girl.

It was Wednesday just like it had been four weeks ago when the start of a new school year had begun. Tommi and Angelo had first and fifth period together.

Unfortunately, Angelo's brother Elijah and Percy had made him incredibly late so he had to wait until lunch that was after third period to lay on his irresistible charm.

But when he had gotten to lunch he had been informed by Jemma that Tommi had skipped out on lunch in favor of studying in a quiet library. Now Angelo could have done the same and spent his time with Tommi in a quiet, dimly lit room... But he was hungry. So he had sat with Jemma while he ate a sad excuse of a ham sandwich and Jemma talked his ear off about things he normally would have been interested in.

Week four was off to a great start.

Lunch had ended and Angelo walked to class, head held low and shoulders slumped under the weight of his failure.

Getting a date was hard.

Fifth period had come around and Angelo's spirit's had risen because it meant he would finally get to see Tommi and he would finally get to work his magic.

But then Mr. King had told him Tommi went homesick.

What the hell!

What did the Universe have against him?

So once again he sat down without Tommi and listened to his teacher rant on about History.

When the school had ended he took his usual route home which included walking past a small diner.

Thomgelica One-shots because not enough people write about them. Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu