Cut The Act

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“Eliza, do you think we should go help Angelica?” Alexander asks and she turns her head to the direction Alexander is looking. She smirks when she sees what’s caught his attention.

“No, I think she’s doing fine on her own.”

“But look at them. Don't you see how uncomfortable she looks? He won’t leave her alone and he is no doubt shamelessly flirting with her.”

Alexander's s right, she does look uncomfortable. To the untrained eye that is. But Eliza is her sister and she knows Angelica better than anyone.

She sees the ghost of a smile on her lips while Thomas pursues her and the faint blush that rises to her cheeks when Thomas gives her an especially flattering compliment. Angelica likes the flirting. If she didn't there is no doubt she would have shut it down as soon as it started but she hasn't. In fact, she practically encourages it.

“She’s alright, Alexander.” She says as Angelica fondly rolls her eyes at something Thomas says. “Oh, look, she’s coming over here.” Angelica walks over to them and Thomas follows behind like a lost puppy.

“Hey, guys.” Angelica greets

“Hi, Angelica.” Eliza smiles.

“Why is Thomas here?” Alexander questions.

“He won’t stop following me.”

“See Eliza?”

“See what?” Jefferson asks and Alexander rolls his eyes.

“Nothing but the fact that you're harassing Angelica.” Eliza sighs at Alex. He just can't leave well enough alone, although, she does think it is rather cute that he is getting so protective over her sister.

But this time there is really no need to get protective. Eliza can see that, she only wishes her husband could be as perceptive as her. But she can’t really blame him, she's spent her whole life with Angelica, of course, she would notice these things.

“I don't have any clue what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, please, you’ve been bothering her all night, can't you see she’s uncomfortable? Don't you know when to quit?”

“Alexander, it's really no big deal.” Angelica tries to intervene but Hamilton waves her off.

“It is a big deal, you shouldn't have to put up with pricks like him.”

“You know what Alexander, thank you for sticking up for my sister, but we’re going to walk away and let her handle this. Okay?” She doesn't wait for an answer, instead she grabs her husband's arm and basically drags him away from a thankful Angelica and Jefferson.

“Why’d ya pull me away?”

“Because, Alexander, do you really think if Angelica was uncomfortable Thomas would still be standing so close to her?” She points back at the pair and they're back to their antics; Thomas flirting and Angelica feigning annoyance.

“You're saying she likes that?”

“Yes, Alexander, that’s exactly what I’m saying.” Hamilton’s mouth pops open and Eliza laughs at his bewilderment. “Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies.”

“There is no way she likes him pining after her the way he does.”

“Look at the smile on her lips. It's a small smile but it’s there and look at the way her eyes light up when he says something really foolish.”

“You're right. Now I’m really questioning her sanity and how she could possibly like Thomas Jefferson.”

Eliza scoffs. Her husband truly is hopeless.

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