twenty eight

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some notes uwu. okay so the previous chapter, the lake is actually the place where jisung and minho first time met each other because if i write this situation in the cave, it might not that quite suitable yk what am sayin? yeah the cave is actually the hideout for chan and seungmin so the king or anyone never knew about the place since it's not that open.


felix and minho are running into the forest with a bag pack behind the younger. they have arrived with chan glaring daggers and a shaking seungmin behind a shock llama.

felix quickly kneeling down in before the light brown hair siren and put the bag aside.

"are you okay?" he cups his face to feel that he is freezing.

"i-i'm fine... just a little bit cold..."

"okay. you gotta wear this, okay? minho, help him" felix rummages inside the bag to pull out an outfit.

he hopes the outfit fits him well. he passes it to minho and the brunette gladly takes it as he is helping the siren. hyunjin also turns around to help minho.

felix takes a step towards chan, just in case if he suddenly jumps out and attacks. but he does not, so he walks forward.

he gently hold chan's hand and that is when chan is breaking. chan is crying very loud, felix takes this as his cue to hug the other. his sweatshirt is soaking wet but he can think about it later.

chan is now sobbing on the younger's shoulder. he is shaking so bad from letting out and he also likes felix's warmth.

"i don't want this anymore... i don't like this me, i don't wanna be a king... i don't wanna hurt people"

he continued his sobs when his eyes are locking with seungmin's. seungmin teary eyes are shaking while hyunjin hugs him for comfort. minho looks at chan in sorrow.

'it happened again' he thinks.

felix does not say anything. all he does is rubbing his back to calm him down.

"i wanna get out of here, lix..."

"we will find a way, okay-"

"we will get you out"

everyone turns their head towards minho. they are shock after they hear the words that come out from the elder's mouth.

"look chan, when is the coronation?"

"a week from now"

minho nods in understatement. he will help his used to be own kind to get out but he is sure that his father will get mad if he knows after this. but will the king still remember him after these years?

suddenly he sees a dim light from the bottom of the lake. the light is getting brighter and brighter-

"guys hide!"

minho pulls seungmin up and hyunjin pulls felix away from chan. they all hide behind each big trees as a water splash sound hit their eardrums. chan turns around to see one of the atlantic soldiers on the surface.

"what are you doing h-here?"

"my prince, i saw a siren tail above me so i came to check if there's anything happened."

"i'm fine, thank you for the concern"

felix wants to take a glance but he accidentally step on the dead leaves and the soldier hears it. he loads his marine gun, ready to shoot the tree where felix is located.

chan pushes the gun aside when the soldier is pulling the trigger. the load hit the tree not so far from felix.

"what are you doing?" he asks sternly.

"i heard something, i bet someone is here"

"dude, this is forest. anything can be here, i bet it's just a small animal"


"no buts. listen to me. i'm fine, now you can do your duty again"

the soldier lower his gun and he bows at chan before he swims back to the bottom.

ive read the previous chapter over and over again. that's an actual lame shit no cap

why brain why cant you do your job properly

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