//maybe important//

980 29 15

we've been through together inside the book as far as we could. and thanks to all of you who has read and support this book until now.

right now, i'm actually struggling with the plots and the character developments and since it's english, i have hard time to make the story become more interesting because of my grammars. i'm actually not that good but the book hits 7k so it makes me feel relieved and happy :)

sometimes time zone are different between us, so i apologize if i published when it's pretty late in your place.

and once again, thank you whoever voted and commented! i really appreciate them everytime whenever you did it. it makes me think that my creation has paid off.

so i predict that the story will be long, according to the plots but i probably make it short so readers won't feel bored when they read it. i'm also trying to make the story more clearer than before because i think sometimes people couldn't understand the storyline.

i apologize once again if my story sucks. i will try my best to improve my english and make the book even better(if possible).

i said i will but i didn't promise :p

happy valentine's day to all my loves! <3

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