thirty eight

902 50 15

"chan, my dear..."

chan stares at the king for a moment before he bows, "your highness"

the king let out a sigh. he puts his trident down to his side, ready to speak that he never say it for his entire life.

"if... you have something to say... please speak it up to me. i'll listen to you, my child"

chan whips his head with his eyes widens. everyone around them also does not believe of what they heard right now. the long white haired siren shows the boys a smile, a sweet smile.

before chan can utter a word, he hears a groan behind him. everyone turns their head into the same direction.

the groans are getting louder when hyunjin is close to get his conscious back. he lifts his head up, his vision is still a little bit blurry, he blinks it off.

"...where am i?"

"the lake"

"what-" he turns his head to his right, seeing seungmin getting held by the soldiers.

"wait seungmin- wait- wha- hey! let me go! let me go!" he shouts as he wiggles his whole body.

"hyunjin! calm down!" seungmin said in worry.

"i'm too young to die!"

"you're not dying!"

"i'm- i'm not?" hyunjin stops struggling to look at seungmin.

seungmin nods his head, "yes you're not. now shut up, the king is here"

"my lord" seungmin bows his head.

hyunjin sees this immediately follows the siren. the king can only let out a chuckle because of hyunjin's behaviour.

so he commands, "let them go."

the marine soldiers nod their head as they pull the poor boys up to stand on their feet and let their arms go.

the taller sighs in relief but when he touches his back, groaning as the shot gives the effects. seungmin walks towards him, rubbing his back to soothe the pain. hyunjin thanks him with his eye smile and seungmin replies him with a blush on his both cheeks.

"i think i will lost another one" they both turns their head towards the king who gives them a tease smile.

the siren king now looks at chan. "i will ask you question and you must answer it with honesty. chan... what is your happiness?"

chan, without a second thought, instantly holding felix's hand and proudly says, "him, my lord"

"very well" the king nods his head, "if that's your answer then i will accept it."

"chan, seungmin and minho. you'll be the siren who no longer under my control, or being my slaves. i'll, set you free. but in one condition... visit the atlantis, as much as you want. you can bring the humans too, i'll let the people know about their existence and the rules"

"yes, my lord!" the boys shouts in sync as they bow together.

the king raises his right hand up and the soldiers immediately comply. they all are in two straight lines, holding the guns to their chest, marching to the lake.

as the soldiers are in the water, the king also sink into the lake as the tip of his tridents disappear from the surface.

the group of friends are cheering and screaming, everyone is hugging each other. felix jumps on chan as the black haired boy catches the human.


"hey calm down!"

they both are laughing together, smiling as their wrap their arms to another, locking themselves in each other's embraces.

they both are staring straight to the eyes, admiring the beautiful orbs that they both have. chan can't wait as he leans in to the younger as the younger accept when the pair of lips is touched with his lips.

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