epilogue (2/3)

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"are you sure about this?"

that's the first thing that came out from felix's mouth. the sirens are dragging each of their partners, heading to the lake.

jisung doesn't say anything because he always put his trust on his boyfriend. changbin and jeongin are giggling having fun while running towards the lake, felix assumes. hyunjin as usual being his dramatic ass, thinking that seungmin may kill him in the forest. well, at least the light brown haired boy tries not to.

"just follow me" chan pulls him towards the water.

"may i?" the younger sees the elder lifts his hands, as if trying to reach something.


chan carefully unhooks felix's necklace and dip it in the lake. he pulls the necklace out when the stone is filled with the water. he helps the younger wearing the necklace.

felix notices the stone is shining because of the transparent liquid. the stone does some magic on the necklace as the gold stripe turns into silver.

"what happened to it, channie?!"

"relax, nothing's wrong with it. come on"

chan is facing his boyfriend as he is walking backwards into the lake. he steps further and further.


he sees jeongin and changbin already jump and the surface becomes calm.

"excuse me what just happened?!" they hear hyunjin screaming from behind.

"uhm, they jumped? into, the lake? duh?" jisung looks at him like it's a normal thing to do.

"hope in, boys" jisung does a backflip as he jumps into the water elegantly like an olympic swimmer.

well, that's what he think he is. he actually looks like someone who just stumbled into the air before falling into the water.

everyone has jumped into the lake, seungmin drags his boyfriend though. felix is still with his cautious. he is glancing at chan who's already halfway through.

"do you trust me, lix?" the elder carefully asks.

of course felix trust someone he loves, he always trust chan since day one. he nods his head before he grabs the other party's hand and the siren leads him.

the red haired boy closes his eyes as he felt his clothes are soaking wet as they are walking deeper and deeper. he goes panic when he feels the water touches his neck but he doesn't show it to chan, because he loves him and he trust him.

he takes a deep breath before his nose touches the surface and they are completely inside the lake.

"baby, just breathe"

felix opens his eyes, sees various and tiny fish swimming around them.

"bro..." it takes a few moment to realise as he gasps.

"wait what?! i'm not drowning! i can talk! what kind of magic is this?" he turns a circle in his place.

he feels weird because he doesn't feel like he moves his both legs so he looks down, gasping loudly this time.

he let out a screech when he sees a tail of indigo mixed with navy blue and sapphire at the tips. his clothes are gone, leaving him bare upper body. he tries to swim around chan with excitement in full speed.

"channie, look! i have a tail! a freaking tail!"

"i see that... it's as beautiful as you..." chan swims closer and cups felix's cheek while adores felix's giggling.

the black haired siren holds felix's hand, intertwine them together. the younger likes that feeling, it feels like they are the missing puzzles, fitting together perfectly.

"let's go. atlantis is that way" they both swims heading towards a direction. the area is empty at first, only felix's necklace shines so brightly.

they enjoy the moment of being alone under the water for the very first time. they are silence but it's a comfort silence, they enjoy it so much.

a building of castle has come to their view. the size is getting bigger and bigger when they keep swimming. suddenly, felix's movements are halted. he looks at his back, to see chan is staring at the kingdom with mixed emotions in his eyes. the younger pulls himself with the intertwined hands and caress the elder's arm with the vacant one.

chan looks to his left, seeing felix is giving him an assured smile. he knows what it means so he matches his smile and they both swims together.

they have arrived at the gate. one of the soldiers notices them and immediately shouts, "open the gate for the prince!"

the gate with many spears above it unlocks and it opens widely for them to pass. the soldiers are lining up along with the path. chan straightens his back and swim passes the entry. felix on the other hand, just smiles and bows when he needs to. when they both have entered, some soldiers are marching to outside and inside and the gate are closed behind them.


i'm sorry for the cliffhanger! it's too long so please wait for next chapter <3

also i have exam weeks right now so it's kinda stressing me out. i hope y'all have a great day!

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