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Leo again, didn't get much sleep that night. The thought of being in a classroom full of other kids his age haunted his mind.

The next few nights were the same way. Soon it was the last day of summer, the tragic, horrible summer.

Leo still couldn't process the fact that he had lost his parents, both at once. He still has his emotional moments when he thinks about it. His aunt was trying hard to cheer him up when he did think about it, telling him happy stories she had about the times she spent with her sister.

These always made Leo smile, but what also made him forget about everything was those shows he recently started watching, he just found them so interesting.

The next morning came; Leo was woken up earlier than usual, in fact he was never woken up by his aunt before. Her words were soft and raspy like she had just woke up as well, "it's time to get up. It's your first day of public school, Leo." she explained and shook his shoulder softly. Leo stirred gently before his eyes fluttered open to face her, sitting up a little.

Susie smiled and took a few steps back so Leo could get out of bed.

He slightly swung the sheets off of himself and let his legs dangle off the side of the warm bed that he did not wish to leave just yet.

"Get dressed then come down so you can eat breakfast, you don't want to be late on your first day." She smiled and left the room, closing the door to give him space.

Leo still couldn't believe he was going to start public school after all of these years.

Leo slid off of the bed and went over towards the dresser where a few pairs of clothes laid on, his aunt must have done laundry last night. He picked up the first shirt and pair of pants that he could find being just a plain white T-shirt and dark grey jogger like pants.

He got dressed and grabbed his jacket off of the door before heading out and down the stairs. He entered the dining room where Susie was drinking coffee and Ronnie was sluggishly placing things into his bag.

Susie gave Leo a warm smile and pulled the cereal down along with the carton of milk; sitting them down on the counter in front of Leo.

He shook his head, refusing the breakfast. "I'm not hungry, but thank you Aunt Susie," he started then looked down, fiddling with the strings that were attached to the hood of his jacket. "I don't have much of an appetite in the mornings...." he stated before glancing over at Ronnie who had seemed to have been staring at him the whole time, considering he broke the stare when Leo noticed.

"Oh, well that's too bad. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Susie sighed and put everything back, "well if you're not going to eat here, at least try and get breakfast when you get there. Ronnie will show you around since he knows the school better than me, right Ronnie?" she looked over at her son who gave a nod, scrolling through his phone. "yeah- whatever." he huffed out.

"You know they won't allow phones in class, boy." Susie rolled her eyes and headed over to the couch where a rather small bag laid, it looked old, and had holes here and there. "This is your backpack, it's Ronnie's old one from last year. I know it's old but it's all we have." she held it up to Leo who felt stiff and nauseous all of a sudden at the fact that he's actually going to public school.

Leo slowly took the bag and looked at it, fiddling with the zipper on it. 'Seems to be stuck...' he thought, struggling to pull it, the zipper was jammed. This bag was worn out alright, almost embarrassed to even own, much less start out the school year with.

"Ronnie will share supplies, I think you will only need a pencil for today. We can get the rest when I get the money," she said and peered out of the window. "For now, just sit tight until the bus arrives, which should be soon, very soon." she said, already seeing the bus down the road, picking up kids on the same street.

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now