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Chapter 5

That night, Leo got out of the shower. He looked into the mirror upon leaving. A rather noticeable bruise began to form around his nose. It was there to tell him 'remember when that boy kicked you in the face today?'

Leo let out a rough huff and looked down. His mind traveled to Julia, and from there to his parents. His thoughts were everywhere, scattered. He had no idea how to feel towards them either. It was driving him crazy.

The boy looked back up to see his face in the mirror, this time it wasn't his...
His eyes were bleeding, nose broken. His teeth were practically nonexistent, and to top it all off, he didn't even have eyes. It was Julia, back and even more deformed than usual. She had found a way to manipulate his mind.

Leo let out a muffled yelp and backed into the bathroom wall out of shock. The face followed his, mimicking his expression and movement.


The distorted voice echoed through his mind. His memory was clouded and was soon taken back to that girl in the car accident. He had seen her in the hospital...that girl his age. Gory images fluttered through his mental cabinet.
Leo stayed against the wall, like he was held there. He felt like it was almost illegal to move. If he could he would, but he felt paralyzed.

Why was this girl brought up all of a sudden..What happened? He couldn't speak. He could feel a type of liquid bubbling up inside. He tried to cough it out but nothing felt real. He looked back up into the mirror to see blood leak down his chin slowly. Dark, crimson red blood.

He quickly took his finger and wiped it off. It was actually real..there was actually blood. He felt so fake, he didn't know what was real anymore. What could he believe anymore? What if all of this was just a dream.

He raised his hand just a bit, facing himself in the mirror. Maybe if he slapped himself hard enough...he'd wake up in the real reality. He ran his own hand across his cheek quickly, slapping himself. His head jerked to the side roughly. Gritting his teeth in pain, he only looked back into the mirror and slapped himself again in the same hard manor.

He grunted, getting angry, he began to lose his ability to trust his own strength and slapped more, harder each time. His hand turned into a fist and had remained to slam it into his jaw. Leo began to beat the literal hell out of himself.

"Yes, yes just like that," a voice crept into his mind. "You deserve all of that, don't stop," it continued. "Don't stop." "Don't stop."

He continued to hit himself violently. Now punching his nose, jaw, eyes and now even his own stomach. Now starting to cough he raised his fist again and before he knew it, he was staring at shattered glass in front of him.

Blood slowly leaked down his knuckles and into the sink. His face was pretty beaten up. He could see the face he had created in the shattered pieces of what was left in the mirror.
Leo felt really dizzy, like his legs were to give up at any moment. His mind went blank...he just wanted to escape this realm...he wanted everything to go back to how it used to be. Where he had parents..had his health under control.

The broken mirror would definitely not just be looked over by the adults in the house. He'd have to explain what happened...that is if he remembered. He almost didn't remember why he lashed out like that. These demons, or...whatever they were, really needed to give him a break.

Leo had managed to sit down against the tub and held his head. Everything was so blurry, it was all over the place. He could barely even process that his parents had died, much less everything after that. He wanted it all to end. School, the stress, the hallucinations, the kids, Ronnie, his uncle, and just life.

The pain hit him, making him wince and grunt in uncomfortableness. He had done this to himself, what a stupid thing to do. Just beat yourself up....physically and mentally.
He glanced up at the broken mirror and finally began to feel himself come back. His vision focused on all of the blood on the floor. He'd probably have to clean that up, yes, and fix his face before he got questioned.

Leo had cleaned everything up and patched up his face. He went to bed, skipping dinner once again.

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now