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The summer ended soon enough. It was pretty hectic here and there but nothing too bad.

Ronnie stayed in his room half of the time.

Susie worked on her online business and read a few books, telling Leo about them.

Ronnie was still jealous, and he had gotten even more jealous over the fact Susie rather spend time with Leo more than him, was it because he was younger? Had to be, Ronnie's mom never even treated him like that. Must be nice huh.

School starts in three days, Susie had already taken Ronnie shopping for what he needed. Leo sat in the living room, anxiously picking at the laced pillows that laid neatly on the couch.

Susie was on the phone, seeming to be emotional. Her income was cut short, and she wasn't happy.

Ronnie, having been forced to come out of his room to spend time with family, on his phone like always.

Susie paced the kitchen before finally leaving and going up to her own room.

Leo watched the woman leave before he went to get up, to go see what was wrong.

Ronnie looked up and hissed to get his attention. Leo looked over at him, slowly sitting the pillow on the couch.

"Sit back down, she doesn't need you. She's upset, so leave her alone," Ronnie muttered out, seemingly glaring at the boy, his eyes sharp like daggers.

Leo seemed tense and slowly sat back down. He looked down and fiddled with his sleeves, they hung over his hands, the jacket was kinda huge on his small figure, he'd grow into it hopefully.. The perfume, still strong and lingering his nostrils, he was obsessed with it.

Leo looked over to the right of him and saw the remote, since the situation was kinda awkward the way Ronnie was distant and an asshole, he figured he'd turn on a movie and watch it by himself.

He grabbed the remote and slowly turned on the television. His eyes met the screen, a criminal investigation like show was playing. He slowly put the remote down.

Ronnie then got up with a gruff and left the room, heading up the stairs.

Leo could leave if he wanted to, but he had actually found interest in the show that was playing. He didn't know why, but there was this feeling in him that found liking in seeing the crime scenes and the killers get found. He somehow just always loved that creativity of how different murderers do their jobs clean handed.

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now