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At this point Leo didn't know what to feel, say, or think. He was basically being told that no one loved him, and that he was a worthless sack of meat only worthy of being sold off on the black market and probably killed, and that no one would care.

Leo felt like everything his uncle had just told him was true, and maybe it wasn't because he was different that no one liked him.. and that it was because he wasn't even worth a grain of dirt, much less someone to love him.

The man's cold, large hand gripped Leo's arm and pulled him up. He was now face-to-face with William. "If you tell anyone about this, I might just have to end you myself, you hear me?"

Leo could feel the spit land on his face. That disgusting smell of alcohol lingered his nostrils and it was not pleasant. Nothing about this night was pleasant.

Leo gave a quick nod, shaking and trying not to sob. "y-y-yes sir-" as soon as he spoke, he was let go of and pushed down harshly back onto his bed.
William nodded. "very good, you're not going to school tomorrow, not until the bruise heals, and you will not speak, look, or talk to my wife again, little punk ass cunt." After that was said, the man left the room, closing the door.

Leo did not sleep that night. The rest of the dark hours were spent sitting, and staring at his wall, or pacing the room. He couldn't quite remember but he was positive he had a small panic attack at some point.

The sun rose that morning and now that Leo could see around with the natural lighting, the world seemed much more monochromatic.

The colors weren't as vibrant as he remembered them to be. His face was still kinda sore and his neck was heavily bruised.

Leo ran his fingers and hands around his throat where he could feel the pain just from the slight pressure he'd store upon his neck.
As much as he tried to ignore what happened it seemed to play on repeat. The look in his uncle's eyes, it was like he looked into the eyes of Satan himself.

Leo's eyes were dull, and dark circles complimented his expression.
There wasn't an hour he went without crying after he was beaten down, it was traumatizing. Everything in his life was....

Since Leo never went back to sleep, he was the first one up, at least that's what he thought.
The boy left his room quietly and entered the bathroom. The shattered mirror still decorated the wall above the sink.

Leo couldn't even remember why he punched it, what made him do it, if it was anything at all.
Under the sink was where he dug, finding a roll of medical bandages.

Looking back up into the shattered mirror, he could barely see. The bruise around his neck was dark, and definitely noticeable. As much as he wanted to tell Susie about this, he knew she'd only send him back to that stupid therapist, or worse, not believe him.

Leo was still upset about the fact that she just ignored him the day before. It was like he was no longer even living in the same reality anymore.

'what's wrong with me.'

Leo thought to himself, staring at himself through the shattered glass.

The more he stared, the more his mind would circulate around different subjects, one being quite violent.

'The glass shards.....they're so sharp.'

'That could really hurt me, or someone else.'

There was no telling what Leo thinks when he's dazed out.

Without breaking eye contact with himself, Leo unrolled the bandages and slowly wrapped them around his neck. He would mumble things to himself, now finally facing the ground to finish up the tight wrap around the bruises on his neck.

He wouldn't be going to school today, or tomorrow, not until the bruise healed.

He was going to stay home, no not because his uncle told him he had to, he didn't argue due to the fact that he was scared. He was scared of the kids, the teachers, the work and stress. Everyday Leo felt like his brain was going to explode, it wasn't pleasant.

Leo hadn't left his room for hours. He wasn't locked in, yet he felt like he was. Susie didn't bother to check up on him, going with the lie his uncle told her about Leo not feeling too good.

Every now and then, Ronnie would just open the door and glance inside. He wouldn't say a word and Leo would just stare right back at him. It was obvious Ronnie was just trying to play games with him but Leo had it with his bullshit.

Being home and away from the hell called school, didn't mean Leo was all that mentally stable.

It was now 6:00pm and he was laying on his bed, facing the ceiling and picking at the bandages around his neck. He may have wrapped them too tight as the pressure on his throat made it hard to breathe. It could be just how he was laying.

His neck was very itchy but he could never satisfy the sensation as every time he tried, it never worked.
There wasn't a word to describe how much he hated this, but this was just another problem to over

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now