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Susie started up the car, pulling out of the parking spot she had. Leo looked out the window, resting his head on the palm of his hand, his elbow laying on the inside of the door where the handle to open the door was. He was very tired and upset. He was scanning the tinted windows of the hospital as they drove by.

Suddenly everything looked and seemed in slow motion. Leo just thought this was from the tiredness but it wasn't, he saw a small figure in the 19th window down from the door, the girl, he sat up a bit; why was she just staring, like she was targeting the car he was in with her stare. He looked a little closer, and that's when he saw it, the girl's mouth was wide open, jaw hanging unrealistically low and her eyes rolled back. Her skin was as white as the painted outside hospital walls. Leo's breathing became hitched and uneven as he began to hyperventilate.

"Is everything okay back there Leo?" the familiar voice of his aunt broke his trance. Leo turned to face her quickly, slight fear in his eyes. He had a lump in his throat as he then gave her an answer, nodding his head softly.

"alrighty then," she cooed happily and turned to face the driveway again. Leo gulped and looked back again. They were already far away from the window, but by what he could see, the girl wasn't there anymore.

Leo slumped in his seat and just kept his gaze off the window, staring down at his hands as he fiddled with them, nervously twiddling his fingers around each other in an attempt to clear his mind. He was old enough to know his visions weren't real but hell, they sure did feel like it.

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now