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Leo went to bed that night, mind full of thoughts and a heart full of hatred. He was up half of the night debating on what he was gonna say to Dr. Ethan in the morning.

Once Leo's mind was fully at rest, he entered dream state.
This had never been fun for him as it was always nightmares that consumed him.

This particular night didn't seem to be that bad, Julia didn't even show up this time. And neither did that other girl, if there really was another.

So many questions and only one answer. This was all so much but before he knew it, Leo was being awoken by an alarm. He didn't even remember setting it as he was used to Susie waking him.

It was therapy day, Leo dreaded it.
He hated socializing, especially with Dr. Ethan. Something about this man just bothered Leo.

He didn't want another scene like the first time…

Leo got out of the bed and left his room. There was a bowl and a cereal box on the table. Susie was getting the milk out.
They were the only ones who were awake. He didn't want to get up this early to attend a session he didn't even care about.

"I have cereal ready for you," The woman spoke. When she turned around there was a huge bruise over her right eye. Leo freaked out, seeing the dark blue and purple splotch. There was only one person who would have done that.

Leo was about to speak up about it, but just didn't. William hit her didn't he.. Of course he did.
Leo knew that and he hated it.

"Me and your uncle got into a little argument last night," She started. Susie was willing to open up to him anyways.. "He doesn't agree with you going to this guy for help.."

Of course he wouldn't, he was scared that Leo would tell on him.
Knowing William got violent even before Leo said something about it meant who knew what he'd do if Leo did. He definitely didn't want to take that chance.
"But it's to help you, and unlike him.. I care." She stated.

Leo was surprised that Susie did, he figured that she had just given up on him completely. It was good to know that she still tried.

"Go ahead and eat, I'll meet you in the car," She shot him a weak smile before leaving.
Leo looked at the cereal; it begged him to take at least one bite, so he did. He poured the milk into the bowl and took a spoon full into his mouth. He was okay with this as it was no big meal. It should be fine.

Leo threw on his jacket and buttoned it up since he didn't bother to get dressed for this session, he just didn't see the point.

He then left the house and got into the car with Susie.
She was ready to leave and immediately started to back out of the driveway.

The trip was short before they arrived. Susie put the car in park and stared at the brick building. Nicely cut bushes decorated the front.

She turned to Leo. "I can't go in there.." She muttered quietly.
Leo looked over, terrified of going alone. He hated talking to people, especially other adults. "What do you mean?" He asked, quite oblivious.

"Leo, look at me-" Susie pointed to the bruise that caked over her eye and the swelling. "They can't see me like this."

She sounded very distressed, unlocking the door to Leo's side. "Just go in and tell them your name, they should send Ethan down shortly, you don't have to worry about anything." She could see the terror in Leo's dark forest green eyes, it was obvious he didn't want to go alone.

"you'll be okay, Leo.." She said in a soft tone, shooting him a warm but weak smile. Her dimples had never shown so clearly. This was a genuine smile. She believed in him when no one else did.

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now