The Return of Queen Lilith

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We're heavily outnumbered I think to myself I can't use my abilities to their full power. Yes, there have been major improvements but not to the degree that I rely on. Maybe I should be grateful if it's made me a better fighter, instead of relying on my angelic gifts. Though my time-stop ability makes an excellent trump card, I can only do it for short spurts.

The other problem is my other abilities. My head of divinity can be fought against, it can be repelled by the stronger vampire. This doesn't mean I can't get the information, I needed Jeane's help last time. In terms of my angelic skills, I can only use my time-stop ability for maybe 5 minutes. My reality engine is only working on weapons, anything past that and it begins to act up. I made ample amounts of bullets, but it seemed like my reality engine needed to take a break.

The power it had is now in a fraction, but that doesn't mean it's useless it means that I need to work to improve it. All of this taken into account I now know I have the power to take Hans, I found myself shaking a bit though. Nervous about everything that's happened, yet I could not wait to see the outcome. I find myself not only just nervous but curious I don't know why I was so curious. Something didn't seem right, we were close to his main base. Every port has been discreetly lockdown, the only way you're leaving is in a body bag.

It's then that I find myself sitting outside in the snow, my military uniform getting wet. Yet I could feel something was off something in me told me something was off. I connected it with all of my comrades, and I saw how many men we had. We had over 100 men waiting, we had filled up the barracks. This was another Royal Guard Outpost, the barracks were cleaned thoroughly. They remind me back in my days as a recruit, I used to have to clean up after all the men. Military gives you a lot of skills but it also makes you want to forget a lot of the shit you had to go through.

I allow myself to enter meditation, as I am meditating I feel something. It was peculiar at first, it sounded like a low hum. Not any hum I've ever heard before though, then I allow myself to focus my telepathic gift. I feel my thoughts no I feel my mind closing in on that hum. It's then that I hear not humming, no I hear something worse. I hear the cries and screams of hundreds of humans. Part of me wanted to run away, part of me just wanted to stop myself. I now wish I had listened to that part, my mind began to travel further as I heard their screams.

Men holding their wives, or that is something you would think. Then upon closer inspection, you see he's crying over her body. He's holding her body as he is saying forgive me, 'he told me to do this. If I don't do this he'll kill our boy forgive me.' I could see everything so vividly, it was as if my body left my mind. I look and I see something even worse, children feeding on their parents. A mother holding her daughter saying it's okay, it's then that I realized I didn't know Russian. Yet I knew what these people were saying.

I keep looking for more people each time I go into a new area I see more Carnage. I turned around to see other vampires, these vampires were older. I can tell because of how removed they were from the situation. Some of their thoughts drifted to where they were going to go. I can tell that they were trying to escape the situation mentally. They are told to watch over the situation but their eyes show that they are escaping the situation. It was truly that horrible for some of them, there were a few who watched it all with glee though. I could tell that they lost a lot of their Humanity a long time ago. One of them even went as far as to torment a little boy after he fed on his mom and dad.

I can feel such a wave of sadness coming off of these people. For a second I was angry at them all, for a second I wanted to hate them all for their weakness. Then I remember I was like them 2 years ago, I was like them when my wife stabbed me in the chest. She put her hand right into my chest and killed me. All I am saying is a repeat of the same action, all I am seeing is a repeat of all of this madness. I am seeing World War II all over again, I am seeing my wife stabbed me in the chest all over again. It's then that I don't feel hate for them, it's then that I feel sorry for them because I realize how powerful this man is.

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