Learn Your Enemy Pt2

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"So you almost killed my guardian because you won't need to find out if Gabriel Roberts is dead or alive?" I saved her life, thank God. Hans looks disappointed that he didn't kill her, 'I don't understand why you're so attached to humans.' I listened to his sarcastic undertone because I knew I couldn't win. 'You're not even human anymore, why pretend to be like them?'

I look at Stacy, and I run my hand through her hair. She had a childhood crush on me and stood by my side as a friend. She is the first woman to not see me as just a child, she sees me as a man. She never makes fun of me for trying to read something, and she is always happy to see me. I kiss her on the cheek and I carry her to the room. Hans looks to be disappointed but lets me carry on. "What the fuck do you want?" I say to him, he smiles and says 'That's the boy that I raised.'

'I need you to find out if this person is alive, do this for me and I won't bother you again.' This is a lie, he said that last time and I wound up with innocent blood on my hands. I was ready to turn him down and then he spoke again. 'If you don't, I'll just take it all the way from you; this facade of humanity that you are so desperately clinging to.' He Walks Behind me as he puts his hands on my shoulder, and then he whispers in my ear. 'You know I'll have so much fun with her before I kill her.' My mind flashes back to all the people I killed, all of the vampires I killed while they were asleep. I know he's not lying, he would do this. He spoke again in a much more sinister tone. 'Or would you like me to turn her into the perfect mother for you? Obedient, happy, and the perfect toy for you.'

"I'll do it, just leave her out of this," I said ready to cry, I'm 100 years old, and he knew how to scare me. 'He then smiles and says I'm glad that you're compliant but I'm just joking.' His humor was still morbid as ever, but it was not a lie or a joke. 'If anything I'll just make her watch as I kill you.' That last part was true though, he would do everything and then kill me in front of her. "You do know, threatening everyone that serves you is a good way to entice betrayal," I said to him while his hands were on my shoulders. It was then that my head turned sideways, and I felt a sickening snap as my face collapsed on the table. 'You would do well to understand your position boy.'

His preferred method was snapping people's necks. I remember him telling me how he killed his son not by draining him dry but by snapping his neck. He knew no one would take care of the boy so he killed him, he knew after he killed his wife she said please protect our son. Hans protected his son the way he knew how to; by killing him. I get up and crack my neck back into place. "I'm sorry Father can you ever forgive me?" I strained to say that; because of the glaring disrespect, he showed me. It felt like someone that made me gargle shit. 'He smiles and says, of course, my baby boy.' He runs his cold hand on my cheek and says 'Come now you have plenty to do just like old times.'


There were 40 names on that list, I killed one of them and now I'm trying to figure out which one is the most important. There is information there, but if I killed you quickly I could alert Hans. I have the names written down on a piece of paper and I run my hand through my beard. I take time to remember everything that happens, I turn to the clock in my bedroom and check the time. 8:00 pm, the early evening vampires.

Time had dragged on and I have been up since this morning. I need more information, I need to talk to others. Before I talk to anyone else, I need to talk to Jeane. I send a telepathic message out, "Jeane, come to me. I need you," A few minutes later, I sit on my bed and I allow myself to enjoy the comfort of this mattress. My thoughts drifted to back when I was a boy. I remember my dad talking about how soft his mattress was, I remember going to bed with him and sleeping next to him. He always leaves the right side uninhabited as if hoping for Lilith to come back so that he can wake up next to her.

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