Isolation Part 2

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~~~Lucian Morten

February, 15th, 1951

I had gotten on the plane clinging onto my luggage, I don't know why I had to bring my Bible with me. I was close to 1,000 years old and yet I could not leave my Bible. Lucia put her's in a museum, I, on the other hand, I had kept mine. The book is made out of parchment paper, and woven together with the highest quality of leather hand-made by me. Mostly because I take time to repair it every time something had happened or for maintenance. I kept the book in the best condition I could, I couldn't trust anyone else to handle it. The last time I did that someone tried to steal it, and that ended pretty badly for him. I was not above killing humans, I was not above killing at all. I commit these acts because I know that I can be forgiven by God, but I also know there's a fine line between Killing For Pleasure and killing for duty. Sometimes I would blur it and that was my biggest imperfection.

Lucia gave her Bible to the museum. It carried too many memories good and bad. It was the first book I learn to read, the first book my father gave me. The first book I studied, The Bible in any form was rare back then. The only reason we had one was that Father studied until he was a high-ranking priest. Mother loved him like she loved all of her partners, it was Michael that really changed something though. Or maybe it was because of the new era, she had always been strong. She was almost always diplomatic and knew how to come to terms with even the most headstrong leaders. She was a warrior, ferocious in battles. Her speed and skill were number one in the kingdom. A gifted tactician, capable of coming up with elaborate plans. Then she would execute those plans with brutal efficiency or absolute finesse.

She was also one of the strongest women I've ever met in my life. There was one thing about Mother though, one thing I had noticed. Her absolute loyalty, she always put The kingdom and her people first. She believed in donating her mind and body to the throne, her people, and her kingdom. She never let her partners tear her away from it, no matter how difficult it was.

It was Michael though, that was a change. She had never been gone from the phone for more than a year, maybe less. If she was gone for a long period of time, she would rule through surrogacy. It was semi-worrying for me, what if she's tired of being the monarch? Could Orm handle this? She was a great leader, and she ruled with compassion. I just don't think she's ready yet, maybe with the turn of another century. I couldn't have imagined myself to be a king, I was in content ruling with Lucia in Europe.

I close my eyes, allowing myself to rest. It was going to be a long flight to Europe, especially since I would have to catch a boat the remainder of the way. It was only from the UK to Europe, but no flights were going there right now. The same could be said for Fū, She's going to come back to America soon. China is in disarray, and there's nothing we can do about it, especially since the world doesn't know we exist. This new dictator rising is going to be a huge problem. There was nothing we could do about that though, no persuasion or force could stop humans from being humans. Except maybe the divine.

'Sir, if you would like I can put your Bible in the cargo hold.' I heard the voice of a young man, He had been nervous around me for a while. I was quite strict, but understanding. There was a massive problem with the situation right now, none of my flight crew was here. On top of that, I had this feeling in my gut something was wrong, everyone always made it seem like I was a psychic. It was never me using my abilities, especially since I wasn't that psychically gifted. I could levitate things, but I wasn't that strong. My skills lay in my speed and strength. I'm not even good at persuasion. I did well with those two abilities.

Something was very wrong, so I had no choice. I relaxed and prepared for battle, I clung to my Bible hoping that nothing bad would come to it. This was one of the few things in my life I would die to protect, it was one of the few things that reminded me of my humanity.

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