What will you do?

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Gabriel October 14, 1950,

We all sat at the table with tension high as ever and looking at the revolver, I knew what I wanted to do. I had heard the truth and it had been rolling in my mind for the last few days, every time I would try to push it out I just heard it echo within my mind again. I looked around the wooden table that we were all sitting at and I looked at all my siblings we all came from different backgrounds and different eras. Lilith was not lying and in the end, I had no choice in this life of mine. She was so calm and she knew that my mind was running, She tried to comfort me but she knew there was no way to do it. I had to let that asshole Gunther go, in all honesty, I wanted to kill him but after all of this, I knew it was no reason to. I need to kill the vampire who decided to bring me into this bullshit, then maybe I can go back to my normal life the only problem with this was I knew I didn't stand much of a chance.

I had choices though, I could stay with my wife and children mind-wiped and none the wiser; Though my family would be in constant danger. Or I could join them and keep my family out of harm's way, would they be safe though? I had q bullseye on my back and Lilith was right they would leave the humans alone as long as they didn't know too much. She made laws to protect humans from vampires and to keep the vampires hidden. Wendy had no idea who I was, no one had any idea who I was not even me. When Lilith first told me she was a vampire I didn't believe it, it was until she laid my weapons right out in front of me that I knew this woman was not normal. It was when she told me that she was a queen that I began to struggle on the inside trying to understand what I was hearing. I looked at the revolver and all of my siblings were sitting there including five or six new ones. I had no idea I had such a wide variety of siblings some were even older than a millennia. The was a girl in a mask who looked at me from time to time but said nothing We all sat at the table trying to figure out what to do.

The revolver was present, I threw the idea out there I had no idea that most of them would agree to it though reluctantly. I began to speak "How?" Her eyes were calm and calculating she had told me what I was destined to do and yet all I could think about was the how. I never wanted anything but peace after the war, my life had been turned on its head since I went to fight in the war. I entertained the thought of what would have happened if I decided to just stay in Baltimore but I knew it would've only made me a sitting duck.

'I don't know.' She said her eyes cold and empathetic all at the same time. I looked at the silver revolver and thought about my idea. It may not have been sane but I had no choice if I was this important I needed to stop it in its tracks. We kept a tape recorder ready so that we could give this fucking idea a chance, she told me of the angel Zamiel she was powerful and wouldn't take me doing this lightly. Hell, she may even freeze time to talk but I wouldn't know I presented the idea to her only days after what she told me and then shared it with the rest of her children, we had left Baltimore behind and decided to go somewhere warmer and different we had gone to Kaoru's home country Japan.

I had only been here once, and that was while I was killing the Japanese. He looks different his hair looked messy and his skin looked paler, he was the spitting image of Lilith if she was a male. Could I ever call him my brother again? We served in arms we fought together but could I call him my brother after knowing this disturbing truth? I took one more look at my clothing, a white dress shirt with black slacks. It had been my attire for the last few days, as that was all I requested. I had four shirts and three pairs of pants.

'Gabriel, are you ready?' I looked at this man that was my brother-in-arms and I prepped The revolver I close my eyes and was ready for oblivion. Though I saw Wendy's face in my mind, It was only then when I pulled the trigger that I realized suicide may be the coward's way out. I heard a bang and then nothing. We all stood around looking at each other, Lilith's face confirms I pulled the trigger but most of my siblings looked disappointed more than anything. Were they disappointed that my brains weren't the new wall paint or what? We all heard the bang we all heard everything happen yet there was nothing. I then looked at Lilith again she looked agitated, was she always that angry or was I not paying attention the first time? Her eyes were no longer calm and passive no she was pissed. She had a look of rage that I could not have comprehended without looking at her face. What the fuck happened? I felt something wet underneath my shoe and I looked down, and I saw a puddle of blood beneath my feet it was her blood, it was so black it looks like I could be swallowed up by it. I saw her clothes ruined and her hair showing traces of blood, her face seems to have some of her blood on it too.

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