Epilogue 2

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I have them wrapped in a blanket ready to deliver them, the baron was a patient man. He even remains neutral to make sure everything was going to be okay. He was also one of the traitors to the throne, but he was much different from everyone else's. He didn't betray the throne necessarily, he just betrayed Lilith. He knew how much she hated me angels, yet he still called on me. I granted his wish and in exchange, he would take care of someone for me. It is time for me to collect, the person who moaned and hold them tighter.

I rescued them from the throes of hell so that they could have a chance at freedom and redeeming themselves. As I make my way to the door I knock, rain pouring everywhere and the person was wrapped tightly in a blanket. My patience was thin as I knocked perpetually. The door finally opened, I walk in his missing his progeny. I lay them on the couch and they hold the blanket tighter. Almost looking as if they were shrinking, call your master to tell him he has company.

It's then that the progeny attacks me, I put my hand on his forehead. It goes straight into his skull and into his brain and he hits the ground. My four fingers coated in blood but I didn't kill him, I was called as I waited. "Hello Baron, you took your time." his eyes was wide with shock, and he ran his hands through his beard. he had long black hair and wore military clothing.

'You said you would be by soon I didn't expect you to come this soon.' He looks at the person in the blanket and then looks at me. "Be happy I didn't kill your progeny" I say to Kruznik. He nods as he realizes it's time, 'I didn't think you would actually come,' I could feel his aura shifting, he really didn't expect this to actually come back to bite him. "I just want to make sure that you keep your promise," I gesture to the sleeping person in the blanket. "At midnight, I want you to open that blanket. Not a second before. If you do open it before midnight, you'll see something that will make you question your role in all of this if you aren't already,"

'It's them then,' he says, fully convinced. "You are taking care of one of God's many children. All you have to do is make sure they drink your blood and they will be compelled to follow your orders. Make sure you understand that I have broken many laws of the blood contracts that your species rely on. Everything that this person goes through will be unnatural but they will be your progeny nonetheless unless you free them at the specified time," He looks at the timer at the top of the blanket, "You must set them free as your master and remember," He nods and says, 'What if I don't?' "Then I eradicate you and your entire linage. I make sure it's painful and slow and there's nothing you can do about it as I show them who caused this blatant cruelty,"

He takes a deep breath as he realizes he's forced to accept this. "I would hate to do this, though seeing as you've been a very loyal man all this time and you've been loyal to two people: The Queen and me," He realizes the irony in it as he then smiles and says, 'I am loyal to the queen because she has provided. I am loyal to you because you will defend my linage and allow it to survive until the end of time,'

I then chuckle as I say, "You found the con to immortality. There is no real immortality, a healthy lifespan There's no real immortality unless you're the queen. There's every possible way you can die, you wait long enough and death actually becomes you. You can die from any number of things: your body catching on fire, your heart exploding, internal combustion and most people fail to understand that. Death is something that will always come for you but people don't respect that death can easily take anyone. The only people excluded from death are angels. We can interact with both the material and the non-material. Our existence is completely different from all of the mortal kind. We are both different yet the same.

I chuckled to myself as Kruznik then says, 'I will make sure that this thing is raised and taken care of well but don't mistake this for kindness. I have a duty to maintain,' I chuckle as I say: "you must keep them alive, how you treat them is not my concern." I begin to leave out the door, everything is coming together now I think to myself. I now have to have a conversation with God's most famous prototype.


I sit looking at my son's sleeping body, he had come home and we were all able to relax. I now return back to who I am, I am the queen of the vampires. This Crown is heavier than it looks, the weight of my people is on my back. The weight of innocent lives taken is on my back, the way I carry my people is on my back. I am the queen of vampires, and I must move them forward.

It's then that I feel two hands on my shoulders, our son is sleeping quite peacefully. I want to say yes to what I'm hearing, but then I recognized the voice. The sweet poison in her voice, "Zamiel." I was already disappointed in the fact that my time with him was disrupted. I run my hands through his beard and I kiss him on the cheek, that was the first time I actually kissed my son. The first time I kissed him since he was an infant, "remove your hands, you manipulator."

'He's our son Lilith,' I hear her say it in Michael's voice. 'We are his parents, we have always loved him haven't we?' As I stand up, I am careful not to wake him. She froze time completely this time allowing us to go undisturbed. I look at the scar on his neck scar that I gave to him in a decapitation. I am the only one who can see what I've done to him, I committed filicide to prove a point.

"What do you want?" She smiles as she says, 'I'm here looking at my son just like you.' I begin to feel my anger rising, "how dare you say that you bitch." She then starts from laughing, she's wearing a white blazer and white pants. She was wearing nothing underneath, and showed off her black skin.' He is our son though,' she says with a smile, 'everything he is is things to us. If anything we should be trying to get along, we should be trying to connect as women.'

She walks closer to me, as she begins to gently put her hands on my face. 'We should be connecting even further in bed too. I can give you all the pleasures you never knew you wanted Queen Lilith.' I feel a feeling of repulsion coming over me, but then there's something worse, my disdain and hatred for her were massive. 'Come on Lilith, don't you want to feel what it's like to make love with an Angel.'

I couldn't stand it anymore, with every ounce of speed, with every bit of power and all of my abilities unlocked. I punched her in the stomach, I punched her so hard I felt bones cracking guts being ripped open as I went through her. It's then that she lets out a light moan, if you want to be so rough then how about I reward you. She grabs my head again and headbutts me. My black blood streaming down my pale face and her black blood streaming down hers. My golden eyes looking into that endless cosmos of her eyes, 'fine,' she says with a smile. "if you want to fight then I'll humor you."

It's men that were transported somewhere different, I look around and I see where we're at. I see a mass where light is being bent all around it. I see things being sucked into it from dying stars to planets, I look around and I see we are on a planet. I see other planets orbiting around us and I see them being broken apart and taking into the abyss. We are at the center of this galaxy, she's smiling as she says, 'this is the largest black hole at the center of this galaxy. There are others close, but not so close where they can merge with this one.'

She then says, "if you want to fight me, you can go all out here." My fists connect with her face, I unleash my full hidden potential. Each punch connecting with a part of her body, I remember how I failed my son so immensely and I take that pain and continued punching her. I feel myself breaking past my artificial limiters, I am letting out everything. I put everything under limiters, afraid that I could break a man just by hugging him. I remember how I was afraid that I would break Michael if we were intimate.

I think of every time I could have destroyed a city just moving too fast, how holding back subconsciously is what made my son experience so much pain. I think about how I could have saved my husband so much pain if I took him with me. I saw how much you love me and yet I decided to prioritize everything above him. I could have done so much more for my family yet I knew absolute power corrupts absolutely.

She stops one of my punches, I create distance quickly. I see her body hardly taking any damage if any. 'So this is how strong you really are, I underestimated you,' she said as she smiled. Did she truly not know how strong I was? Or was she giving me facetious flattery? Either way, I had to expect something to happen. It's then that she duplicates herself, I look at the doppelganger and I noticed differences immediately. The doppelganger had an inversion of her colors. Her white skin was beautiful and her eyes black like the cosmos. Her hair blacker than the abyss of space was there no limit to angelic powers.

'This doppelganger is the same strength as you, let's see if you can beat her.' I could see a smile form on both of their faces as if the victory was already guaranteed. I allow myself to relax, and then I release 100% of my power. Once I released my full power I relaxed as I said "Let's go."

End of epilogue 2.

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