Queen's Shadow

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I stand here in the snow, I look at all of the dead that lay here. They all died by one man, one man pushed all of these people to their graves. What a waste I think to myself, the battle had taken place only a few days ago. The sunlight was on my face, as I look at the beautiful sky. They were thrown so far up into the sky, and then they hit the ground so hard they burst on impact. Only Orm could be capable of something so gruesome yet so elegant.

I take a deep sigh as I look at all of the innocent blood spilled, I envision how the battlefield went and was still upset that I could not help my son. He still pushed through, he's still proved that he was stronger than Hans. Yet all of this only tells me, Hans with nothing but a tool. He was on Apollos's level by the end of this, Hans did not grow any stronger, and Apollo's close their gap rather quickly. He is now fighting on the scale of Fù-gaūn, his potential is almost on Priscilla's level.

Priscilla is also growing in strength too, looking at how she's progressed it's shown in me she'll be the strongest of her family. In a few thousand years and she will close the gap between Orm and her, to add more to this Apollos is also be right behind her. Were all of my children capable of being stronger than me?

I am more impressed as a mother than anything, if they are destined to become stronger than me that means I'll finally be able to die. That is something that I have always wanted as secretly as much as I value this life of mine, I know I have to die. I know I'll be alive from more Millennia to come, for civilizations to rise and fall sometimes when I blink I realize hundreds of years passed. Humans will keep growing and evolving, I wonder will they close the gap?

Will humans be as strong as vampires? Will they be able to achieve what we have with science? Vampires and humans walking hand in hand for a brighter tomorrow. The battle that raged on here said a lot, emotions flowing everywhere souls being ripped from their body because of clashing men. I see the souls walking around the battlefield, some of them crying some of them trying to pass on. I ignore every last one of them because I can do nothing for them.

I have seen this happen before, so many times. So many souls wandering the battlefield, some don't even know they're dead. I remember that battle Gabriel fought, I remember what he did. It is an undeniable truth, in battle, you will have people who live and die. That is what battle is supposed to be; then you have the people stuck in between at all. Innocent people who are forced to live and survive, innocent people who died because no one can save them.

That's when it really shows, who's going to live? Who is going to die? Gabriel decided to live, no I forced him to live. I forced him to do whatever he had to do, because I knew one disturbing truth about my son. He wished to die, that's what makes him the perfect candidate for Zamiel he didn't mind dying in the throes of battle. He would drag others into the void with him, he would die doing whatever he could to achieve his goal.

Now he has evolved, he may wish to die but it can only be in the throes of battle. He now has people who depend on him to live, he may wish to die but now he will fight to protect those around him. Apollos may wish to die in the throes of battle, but he has to protect everyone else.

How do you stop a soldier from accomplishing his mission? how do you stop a soldier from becoming a warrior? Answers to both questions are quite simple, you kill them. A soldier hell-bent when completing his mission will die accomplishing it. A soldier who becomes a warrior realizes how pointless war is will stop fighting. Some Warriors even turn their back on their own country, you can't call a soldier a traitor if they realize they're fighting for the wrong reasons.

Both of these men must be struck down before they become a threat, it is rare for either one to be realized only a few warriors are ever born in battle. I begin to leave the stained battlefield, and make my way home. There's nothing I can do, my son has changed. Whether I want to admit it or not, I am a major catalyst in it. People fail to understand how much they affect one another. It is because they don't understand how important they are to one another, it's quite sad it took me centuries to realize how important humans are to one another. Yet I think it'll take them thousands of years to realize it.

'The fact that you're still lingering around here tells me so much, Lilith.' I look and see someone who I haven't seen in a while, I realize it must be important for him to have made his way up here. "Baron Kruznik what are you doing here?" He kneels before me as he says, 'I'm here to see the aftermath of the battle.' It's then that I see other barons, from different parts of the country and even different parts of the world.

I then curtsy as I say "I welcome you all, I didn't think this fight would attract so much attention." They all begin to kneel, I even see My inner circle and aristocrats here. 'Your son is truly splendid, his strength is worth that of the ninth prince.' Malchior one of my first vampires, and a leader of the round table. He helped me govern some of the world affairs, especially with Palestine. 'In my 28,000 years, I have never seen a fight like that.' it was rare to impress a man like him, so hearing him say it actually surprised me. 'I'm glad I didn't miss out on such an important event.' I smile and say "you are quite the collector of memories."

'Of course, someone had to keep track of all of history.' He's right, this battle is something for history Apollos made history. He killed a vampire terrorist, and he wields the power of God. "We need to prepare, call a meeting the high table." Malchior stood up his straight black hair and his scarred face surprised. I see how much he's gone through, as a human, he was a fighter a great fighter, and a great king. His brown skin glistened in the sunlight, his brown eyes told the story. He has witnessed much of mankind's growth, he's also witnessed much of mankind's failings. He's also witnessed everything about vampires, he recorded all of history and all of vampires history.

'I will prepare it immediately, though what are we preparing to talk about?' I take a deep sigh, I didn't want to tell him but I knew I had to. "We are preparing for war." Everyone immediately stops their whispering. 'War? against who?' I hear Malchior say. "We are preparing for war against, an enemy that could wipe us all out. We're preparing for a war that could kill every last human being on this earth. We must fight nonetheless, we must fight because that is what will protect this Earth." I speak to every last one of them, and all of them kneel. I am sick of your meddling Zamiel.

End of Queens Shadow

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