A Mother's Fury

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~~~Queen Lilith

I had been here for close to five days, aside from passing notes back and forth to my team. I had been looking for structural weaknesses, I had found plenty. My team had been attacking their groups and taking their ammo, they had been making bombs and I was about to bring them in. This had gone beyond just a simple battle, this had gotten personal for me. Not only did they have the audacity to attack my subjects, but they had also been torturing my son. They had been trying to get him to contact me psychically, they knew if I heard his screams that I would break my silence. It

They were not wrong, but Jebediah was such a prideful person that he would never do this. I let my group borrow the map that Harper gave me, they need to memorize it and I stole another copy. Roseanne and everyone did not know of my plans, I could not afford for them to be compromised. Though I did do them a favor, before everything goes down they would get a mental note to be as far away as possible 20 minutes before it all went down. This had to be meticulous and planned well, right now I was going back down to pass a note to my son for everyone else. It was time for me to start an upheaval, one that none of these people had ever seen.

I didn't want to drag this out at first, but now I want to stand on their broken bodies. There will be nothing left of this by the time I'm finished, it was still early in the night. The plan would take place in 4 hours when the vampires were coming back to sleep.


'This is fucking crazy.' Colt said nervously, we were all waiting for a reason to put him down. There was still truth to this though, the queen has been gone for five days and she had put together such a strong plan. The information that we had collaborated with was correct, what we were about to do was sabotage on a grand scale. This went from a simple scouting mission to a full-on sabotage mission. She had numbers names and plenty of info for us to go over. It was already 8 p.m., and she wanted us to mobilize an hour before daybreak. This was cutting it close, but she didn't want them to have a chance to recuperate. That would leave them vulnerable and disrupt everything they had planned.

The thing that we're planning to do is immobilize them, it's going to take more than the forces we have to destroy them entirely. I have faith in the queen, I know what she's planning is going to work. "Our job is to keep fighting if you want to turn tail and run understand you are still wanted for treason." I saw his conviction waiver, this proved to me that he was a coward and did not care for anyone but himself. John Colt was a coward and it was clear that he would have to be disposed of. Would the queen have any problems if I dealt with him right here in now?

I understand that she would be upset, but he had no useful information. She even confirmed that with us, she didn't want us to worry. 'I'm sorry, ever since she told us what has happened I've just been on the edge.' Ben then said: 'Well it's a good thing you didn't run with your tail in between your legs then. I would have had no problems with disposing of someone like you.' I could tell from his eyes that Ben had no problems with killing vampires who threatened the throne. Everyone here had seen what the queen was willing to do for them firsthand, she was willing to lay down her life at any point.

We had seen what she could do, and yet none of us wanted her to go through that. Maybe it was some sense of loyalty, or maybe it was because she would do anything for her people. Next to her children, she would do anything to protect us. Now I see why so many of the veterans would jump at the chance to fight by her side, these veterans were upwards of 300 to 1,000 years old. I remember when one of the residents told me of the Bloody Valentine Wars, I remember how she and her three hundred men took on 1000 men. Those are odds with 3 to 1, they could all see how it would end yet she was victorious. She didn't even lose fifty percent of her warriors.

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