Mission Complete

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We finally broke through, how many of them had they killed? I felt myself completely succumb to his nature oh, I had no idea he had such a hardened resolve. Apollos never stops fighting, he fights until he wins or until he can no longer fight. I've seen all of the training sessions with Lucian, how many times Lucian would just beat him down and he would get up. He never stops, he keeps going he keeps getting better.

I wanted to find weaknesses so that I could strike him down. I found nothing, I found myself wanting to serve him. Even though it was only a brief few months, I found myself okay with this. Even if I could kill him what would it do for me? All it would do is bring a gruesome and painful death. Queen Lilith is not a cruel woman, but the things she would do to me would be legendary. I can't even look at her, I can't even walk by her. I don't want her to rip me apart, I don't want her to scan me with her teeth. Every time I decide to find my own quiet time, she'll let me know by sending a mental image to me. I try to forget those moments so that I could kill her son. I know now it would be foolish, he is just as ferocious if not more than her.

We had reached the other side of the building, all three of us opened fire and then punched through it. We tore the other side of the building open, we didn't have any grenades. I saw Fù-gaūn, she was talking to them. What was she saying to them? I heard his orders and my body went through the motions.  I saw what he was doing, fighting a battle against the waves of the vampires. He should have died but he was still fighting. It was a good thing they were in the hallway, or they would have been overwhelmed. It was then that I saw Ellie, what was she doing?

She began talking and I couldn't understand her. She then armed a gun and started shooting. They had cars? We didn't see this, this could be an advantage though. It makes sense that they would be able to get in and out of the forest, she just has to find the exit. She wasn't as useless as I thought, maybe this will be our way out. We'll be overwhelmed, no matter how powerful he is we could lose.


We have fought wave after wave of them, and human bodies starting to pile up. Vampires slurp their blood up to heal, some of them dying while healing. Vampires have no regard for human beings. They were all turned by Hans, I will spare none of them. Each shotgun pellet finding its way into each Target, I'm not going to lose. I'm not going to lose each shotgun pellet finding its way into each target, I'm not going to lose. I'm not going to lose to a bunch of amateurs.

I then saw more bullets flying past me. I thought it was more enemies, but there was no other exit. 'We're here to reinforce you,' I heard Jeane's voice in my mind. Everyone was attacking, I knew I was fighting a losing battle. It felt like hours were going by, though any of my men who survives this battle will be true warriors now. I don't know why the thought crossed my mind, maybe it was because I remember fighting them. I remember fighting them and overwhelming every last one of them.

I saw one of my men fall, it didn't hit his heart, instead, it took his legs from underneath him. I grabbed my soldier and began to move back to cover. 'Keep attacking them,' I heard someone yelling mental orders. It wasn't from any of my men, 'Keep pushing we won't lose to him.' I saw a man in a military uniform and he was the only one well-dressed, he was the one giving orders. The fact that he's even moving to the front lines means he's scared. It means I've hit him harder than I thought.

He zeroed in on me and started shooting. 'Die you monster die.' Did this slanted-eyed bastard just call me a monster? I'm not the one torturing humans. It was then that I felt a searing pain in my hand, I was so absorbed by his insult I was not paying attention. He shot my hand off, I kept shooting my shotgun. Even though it was slower, I could easily cock it back with the same hand.

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