Anything For My Brother

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"The final battle between your son and Hans will take place soon. What do you think Lilith?" I could see the livid look on The False Queen's face. Yes, she designed her throne, yes she designed her kingdom. That still doesn't stop the fact that she is nothing but a false Queen. Pretending to be civil when she's not. Pretending to be important when all she is is a blood-sucking predator. She steals men's souls and leaves them heartbroken while their children grow to be killers. Oh God the irony, I remember that day she stood against the angel.

How we all laughed at her, those willful eyes as we told her to submit to us. Watching Adam get on his knees while Lilith stood defiantly was so beautiful it's actually what prompted us to encourage God to make Eve. Could all humans be this submissive or could they stand up towards us? I found myself wondering about that. I was wondering up until Eve ate the Apple, the Bible likes to blame the devil for it. However, the truth of the matter is much simpler than that. Eve bit the Apple because she wanted to, she wanted to say it was Lucifer's fault. Even went as far as to say he was a Deceiver.

We would not have punished her had she just told us the truth. 'I don't think anything about the situation. My son will win. He will best the man that has made his life a living hell,' I chuckle, "So you're admitting that your son will be one of the better killers?" She sighs as she says, 'What the hell do you want?' I smile and say, "Well I wanted to check and see if you were enjoying the gift I left around your son's neck" I knew that goading her into decapitating him would be worth it.

Angels can turn back time not to the degree that Uriel can but we can do it nonetheless. It was only a few seconds, I just wanted her to see her son die. He will never know that his second death was not just from his wife but his second death was from his mother and each time I've brought him back, I have changed him and made him stronger. I then see her clenching her fists as she says, 'You sent Hans to him, didn't you?' I smiled and said, "I thought that was known knowledge for someone your age," 'Why do you keep taking everything from him?' she asked me.

I could do nothing but smile as I said, "Your son could be the strongest member of your family. All it takes is a little push. All it takes is for him to truly need power again and when your son does, he will be as strong as you if only for the briefest of moments. Almost like a setting sun. Your son is strong," I say to her. "And he has the strength of character to get better." She was agitated but she wasn't letting it show.

It was then that a smile crept on my face as I said, "You do know Michael had the potential to be the horseman of war. He was just too soft," It was then that she was fast, she punched me dead in my jaw. I didn't stagger, I let her have it. "Funny how you show so much anger when it comes to Michael," I stoked her on a little bit more, and she then said, 'If you utter his name or disrespect my husband again, nothing will stop me from running the plans you have in control. I will kill Hans even if he is immortal. I will find a way to rip him in two. I'll find a way to ensure everything you have planned burns,' I smile and say, "If you can do that, then maybe you're not just the bloodthirsty murderer I thought you were. Maybe you care for something other than being a false queen," I say, egging her on.

I don't know why I took joy in tormenting her but I did. Maybe I wanted something today, though. Maybe I wanted to see her explode today, something I haven't seen in a while. She then says to me, 'Zamiel unless you have something else to talk about, I refuse to humor a conversation with you,' She starts to walk away from me as time is frozen. Where was she going? If I froze time, she would just be sitting in endless frozen time until I set her free. "How disappointing," I say. "I guess even beasts can get mature," I say with a smile.

She then says, 'I may be a beast but I'll always have free will. I'll always be able to decide where to go and how to do it. You're the only one trapped here and you're doing anything to try to make your job fun," That didn't get under my skin but that did make me realize how much I liked to torment her, it showed me that she still knew how to make me want to put her down. I unfreeze time and send her on her way.

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