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"So do tell me, who would be that poor maiden you lead astray yet again?"

This was the first exchanged between the family and Elise ever since their first confrontation took an abrupt end.

Ss the feast calmed down the royals retreated to the royal dinning room, all sitting around a long table with food, Elise and her wives and her family on the two opposite sides.

I stood near Elise while the rest were sitting and Sel standing off to the side as was her job, still none realized I was here.

"I lead none of these 'poor maidens' as you called them astray mother, they were given a choice and they choose the remain because unlike you, I do not see others as lesser."

"Do not talk like this to you mother, she is the empress."

"Of your empire father, you are on my land right now, my empire."

"Be respectful!"

"You should be respectful of me here, not only are you in my presences but you have my greatest assets too."

"Oh yeah those wives of yours? Shield or whatnot?" Donoven said, playing with the food as if it was disgusting. "The offer still stands ladies."

"If you are yet again referring to us going to you you are dreaming boy, I've lived many more lives then you and come from somewhere males are not to stand on the throne, you think me and any off us would fall down to your level?" Kia said, Rain just observing in silence but Melore probably promised to stay silent, she looked like she wanted to speak.

"How dare you! Guards punish her disrespect!" But as none of their secret men stepped forth he deflated and all the family realized something was up.

"My empress all the intruders have been taken care off." I said, my words breaking me from my hiding, being so silent and untouchable before that I was but a simple shadow none saw.

"Magnificent, I knew these cowards would bring something but I never thought they would dare bring guards of their own into the dinning room and much less dare to try to attack my first wife." I could see the father pale at her words, he knew she noticed them too but let this happen. "Now please, present yourself to my dear family."

"As you wish." I looked them straight on, the cloth pulled over my nose like it would be around strangers, I wondered if wearing my mask would have been of more effect. "I am Akito, shadow knight of the queendom of Solor from which highness Kia comes from along with mage Sel over there, I am empress Elise's shadow and make sure no harm comes to her and also am whom you called a poor maiden, nice to meet you."

"A-ah." He cleared his throat, even tho my outfit was not the most show off I wasn't a blank page and for the men of these lands I bet even plain old me could make them fantasize. "So you fell for the lies of my daughter, tragic for some maiden like you." That ticked my off, my hand twitching.

"Go on." Elise said. "Build your reputation up." She was amused.

I flicked my wrist and my throwing star hit the edge of his plate with enough force to flip it up and splash the soup over his face and clothes.

"Emperor of Lorik I don't know a lot about you but I do know things and what I have heard, I am not some simple girl blind enough to not see there is a way out of this stupidity you call your empire, I am a knight and one of the best so please do taunt me and give me a reason to show you my skills." I held up four more throwing stars, one between each fingers of my left hand, eyes stabbing into his flesh.

"Such disrespect!" His wife Philia exclaimed, standing up. "Shame on you!"

"Shame on YOU, respect is not due but earned and your family has done nothing but shatter its chances to it by simply the way you act and refuse to see past your own outdated view point.... Now sit down before I make you, empress."

"I will not let yo--" I flick my wrist twice, first two star stabbing through the sides of the dress and pining it to her chair and the other two through the shoulder straps.

"I told you to sit down."

"I would advise you to not bad mouth my girls or they will show you why they were the titles they do." Elise said.

A tense silence reigned in the room, Philia tried to not show fear but her eyes couldn't lie along with the slight tremble of her right hand.

"We will retreat to our chambers for the night and leave at dawn." The emperor said clearing his throat.

"I'll see you off." Elise offered calmly.

"No need, we know the way." He said, helping his wife and leaving the room in controlled hurry along with the children.

"Good job." I nodded at her words when they left the room, still staring at the door they left through.

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