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When I woke up it didn't take me long to leave Elise's room, not because I was fleeing but because I had plans for the day, I am not an asshole I told a guard at her door to pass a message on to explain.


I passed by my room to get my complete outfit before heading out to the inner court.

I stared up at the still dark blue sky, I always wake up quite early, making my way down a large flight of stares lead me to large barracks, the night guard was still awake as the day knights would awaken in a slice of sun at least.

Those I passed bowed their heads and pressed a fist over their heart as I neared them, easily having proven to them I am worth respect.

"Lady shadow." The new grand sword master greeted me with a low bow.

"Solor." I simply said as all the other knights here would bring a fist over their heart when they bowed to greet me or higher ups.

"My father was a knight that immigrated here before the empires split, he taught me all I know before I was recruited in the night watch and now made sword master."

"I do hope you teach them to respect woman sword master."

"It is pitiful what they do to the likes of you lady shadow, I will work tirelessly to teach these knights."


"Now if I may ask, why are you here at our humble barracks?"

"I need four knights."

"I shall go get the best."

"No, I need five specific knights, they were already selected in advance. these five knights will be under my supervision from now on and will only answer the empress, the queens and my orders."

"Like some special unit?... I see."

"You might have heard myths of us from your father but I was a shadow knight, this empire could use its own shadows." He nodded.

"Give me their names lady shadow and they shall be brought before you."

"Maler, Karem, Aron and Edamon."

"I am sorry bu--" "Did I stutter?" I cut the sword master off, he quickly shook his head and left to go get the men.

I get why he doubted my choices but I know why I chose whom I chose.


The first one to walk out, in simple brown leather boots with black pants and a whitish light brown long sleeved top was a young man, half a head shorter then I was, not even two years since he enlisted in the army, barely any fuzz on his face with short curly brown hair and green eyes, I would bet a hand he has elvish heritage in his veins. he looked like your average farmer boy and it was the name Karem he wore.

The next to join us outside was Maler, a piece of a man, he was half a head taller then I was and muscles well defined, the callousness on his fingers showing his time working with steal and fire before picking up a weapon to fight with it himself. a full dark beard that was neatly trimmed was the same brown as his sunken in eyes were, hair starting to become scarce on top of his head but not yet having a bald spot. 

Third in the same outfit as the previous two was Aron, younger then Maler but more into adulthood then Karem was, also between the height of both, face trimmed so he had a short bread, eyes blue and hair silky looking brow colored long hair in some braids. (I know I try to not use pics about the characters but just here you go as it is easier to visualize like this) maybe a farmer or woodcutter as his arms were stronger then his legs from the glance I got.

Edamon was the very last one, completely clean shaven face with a fohawk for a hair style and blond, eyes blue, I would see he was a squire first from the way he carried himself compared to the rest of the men, a form of confidence radiated from h...

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Edamon was the very last one, completely clean shaven face with a fohawk for a hair style and blond, eyes blue, I would see he was a squire first from the way he carried himself compared to the rest of the men, a form of confidence radiated from him only those trained to be knights from a young age can have, same height as I was.

"Why are we up so early?" The past squire asked, yawning.

"You four have been chosen for a reason I wasn't told by lady shadow." That sobered up the tired men, rumors and news do spread rapidly between these walls.

"Follow me." I simply said, turning to walk away.


I lead them up to the inner court before facing them again.

"From the country I come from I am nothing but a myth." I started as the men stared in silence. "I was part of what is called the shadow knights, the secret last line of defense between the enemy and the royalty, this is a special cast of knight trained from birth and a job passed down through blood, the knights are the law and us shadows act outside the law to ensure all that the rulers want is done... While you'd arrest a criminal I would be tasked to making him die in prison and make it look accidental.... I took upon myself to teach those most loyal to the crown and those with the most potential what I've been taught, unlike I you didn't get the chance to learn this from childhood but this empire could use its own shadows."

"So you'll make us one of these shadow nights?" Maler asked in gruff voice.

"You all are the best candidates for the first generation of shadows but that's all we are, the empress' shadows as to be a shadow knight you'd be of Solor blood and from one of the ten families already from the shadow knights, you cannot learn like we did either.... So as said you'll be shadows."

"No glory, no money, no recognition right?" Karem said.

"That's what the shadow knights are but we are shadows now, shadows are cast by lights after all, a royal guard if you will."

"So we can be seen?"

"This is the first shadows that stand here, every one of us, I am already known as the empress' shadow so unlike in Solor it wouldn't hurt much to be seen."

"When does training start?" Edamon asked.

I grinned, I feel like this will be great.

.The Shadow Knight.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora