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Five Kazaras rulers, four Solor mages, three shadows, two sides, one victor.

I glared at the sky, the dark clouds rolling in over the future battle field, the gods holding back their tears at the bloodbath to come.

"Sorry." I whispered at the sky, not really feeling sorry at all.

I looked over those I knew.

The mages looking nothing like their age, looking ready to give their all in this fight, in honor of one of their own.

My shadows having a more solemn look, I knew I chose right, I see their fear burning in their veins, their mind screaming for them to run and yet here they are, their loyalty unfaltering to their task, to be a shadow loyalty is all that is needed, unending loyalty, strength comes later... loyalty makes you do the unthinkable to stick to it.

Owen, scales a dazzling gold like always, standing tall with his sister sitting on his back, wearing no armor as only few weapons can piece a dragon's skin like I witnessed previously.

Melore looking like a huge wyvern, what those flying lizards are called, black as the night with anger blazing alive into literal flames rising up the back of her throat, dark smoke billowing out of her maw.

Rain stood with the younger mages, water whipping around her hands in its deadly dance, as cutting as a sword in her hands.

Elise, the dragon scales I had given her, forged into iridescent armor pieces, shining in all of the purest colors of a rainbow, it was shaped and formed into a helmet, gauntlets and a chest-plate with scale-mail armor, a one handed sword made of the rest, it took Owen's fire and Kia's dragon-like skin to forge these, no ordinary fire could melt dragon's scales.

I sighed, pulling out my blade from my pocket realm and flexed my hand around the handle as I whipped it out.

I squeezed on the handle gently.

"SOLDIERS!! STAND READY!!" Kia yelled, hearing a loud an uniform 'Yes' pass through the ranks as Elise stood wordlessly, letting any of us do the talking as she watched the slight orange glow on her sword.... So that's how she is so strong.

Dragon scales can channel magic through them, be it spirit, wild or elemental magic, which is how my sword didn't break.

"Hey." I said softly to her as I blocked out Kia's speech.

"What is is dear knight?" She smiled, as calm as I was about the upcoming fight... I cannot heed your command silver queen... I will not be able to let her die for me life... But you didn't even mention her death you just said both of us are important.... Well for me she is more important then I am.

"We really need to have that spar after this." I said, lifting my hand with the blade and knocking it gently against hers.

"What about after this fight? when all is settled?" She did it back and I couldn't help the slight smile on my face.

"I'll win anyway."

"I'd like to see you try."

I stepped a bit away from everyone and whistled loudly, cutting Kia off.

"Men! Women! And whoever is here to fight today!" I yelled loudly, facing them all. "Today we don't fight for glory, riches or land! We all know what Lorik has done to Kazaras!" I pointed my blade at the enemy troupes. "They are the enemy! and if they fight they deserve no mercy! We are taking no prisoners from those!!" A huge uproar of agreement came tho I heard a few disagreements at the 'no prisoners' comment.

"You heard my dear wife! those that fight get no mercy, the coward can run but kill the rest! if not for your empress then for yourself! Fight for your own future! As it will not exist if those monsters win today!"

I took a deep breath, facing ahead and pulling out my shadow knight mask, fitting it on my face, if a shadow knight strays from its path it is the job of another one to take it out... Just you wait Executioner, because your day of judgment has come, this shadow knight is here to bring the one the broke its woes to justice.... And justice is death.

I slashed at the air, my blade coating itself with my wild magic, a soft buzzing sound coming from my blade as the whole of it was the portal to my pocket realm.

I took a step forth and started walking towards the enemy, not running, not sluggish, just walking.

Soon I heard many other follow and soon I heard the heavy stepped of the two big creatures behind us.

"ARCHERS!!" I heard the yell come from afar.

"Akito." Karem's voice warned me as my steps did not falter like most of the rest did, the simple soldiers not follow but I knew those that trusted me did, even he did despite his fear, loyalty pushing him to trust me.


I glared down at the line of archers, looking confused and getting hesitant as most would stop approaching in fear.


That's when even Elise and Owen must have stopped walking tho I don't worry much.

The first arrow hit quite far from me.

The second a foot away from mine.

The rain of arrows coming down and yet the closest to hitting me as I walked was the one that scrapped the side of my mask.

I finally stopped walking after the last arrow hit the ground, lifting my katana and pointing at the enemy ranks.

"CHARGE!!" I yelled as loudly as I could, pushing off into a sprint.

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