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I pulled my throwing knife out after pulling my glove back off again.

"You are mine now." I pulled the gag out as I cut line down his chest. "You know this the bone keeping all your ribs together."


"I am what I am... Who paid you?"


"Still wrong answer, maybe this mouth of yours it too small for the size of the truth?" I put the blade against the side of his mouth, gradually pressing harder until the sin split and slashed through it. "Oy, stop sobbing and speak vermin!!" I slapped him.

He shook his head... This little bastard, protecting those that wish for his empress' life.

I opened his right hand and stabbed the knife through the base of the pinkie and worked it in until I could slice through the muscle and joint the pop the digit off, doing the same to his ring finger.

"Now you are useless with a word as without your pinkie as despite what people think more then half the strength in your hand comes from it, I bet you didn't know that did you?" I asked, tilting his head up with the point of the knife.

I went through as his fingers except the thumb as if I take that one off it will ease his wrist from the cuffs and we don't want that.

"Oh no you are loosing a lot of blood.... We can't have that can we?" I grabbed thick leather gloves and pulled them on as I grabbed the red hot poll.

His pained screams turned into pleas to not do this, sobbing the words out through his tears.

I shoved the metal against his side as he screamed.

"Yeah I think it is hot enough." I said, pressing on the burn mark before grabbing what was left of his hands and pressing the metal on the open wounds before going to his chest and thigh. "There we go.... No more blood loss."

I twirled the metal in my hands and pressed the round end against his stomach, arms, neck, torso and legs.

I pressed it down hard on his groin and kept it there.

"You don't deserve to even be a man!" I loudly said so he heard me as the smell of burning flesh was smelt.

I watched the cloth light on fire from the heat before pulling the rod away.

I watched as he realized as his flesh was popping and sizzling, screaming even more.

I grabbed a small jar and smelt it, oil... I threw it at the wall over his head and it splashed over him, making the flames spread faster.

I could see the guards dealing with the other traitor still tied up next to mine watch in shock at what I was able to do without a second thought but I am a shadow know, someone that can act outside of law when needed.

"The executioner!! They paid us the executioner." I turned back to the older man with the bucket as he yelled at me, the rat most likely getting hot in the bucket and trying to dig through the soft flesh to escape the heat by now.

"And what did they sound like?"

"They didn't talk!! Others called them that!!"

"Who did they look like?"

"They had a black cape that hid their features!! only scared wrists visible!!"

"It matches the description.... Knights!! Kill the traitors and dispose of their bodies!"

"Yes lady shadow!"

"No you can't kill us you promised!!"

"I cannot but they can." I said before cleaning my hands off in a bucket of water near the staircase and pulled my sleeves down before pulling the braces and gloves back on and leaving the torture chambers, the echoing cries of pain and begs for mercy getting further away from me as I ascended.

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