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I rushed forth without a plan, swinging wildly, left and right, hopping to catch her off guard and spill her vile blood on the ground as her accompanying guards rushed to hold Owen back from joining us.

"You still can't beat me, I know all about realm knight, when did you think you could win?" She asked, blocking all of my swings easily.

"There is always a way to kill monsters like you!"

"Is there really?" She grinned. "History never forgets tho, you know of the day of the black sun yes? Everyone thinks he is gone, defeated, but he isn't, he never will be, not as long as the fear, the anger, the pain, the suffering he created remains etched in the memory of the people, a monster like that will always be feared even when they are no more, always will be haunting you, fearing his return.... A monster like that cannot die as the people's mind keep it alive."


My blade flashed black and hers shattered.

"Well look at that." She breathed out, looking at the half length of the blade she had.

I looked at my blinding black black, it looks like the holes to my pocket realm and it just behaved like one, nothing can exist on both sides of the hole and be inside of it at the same time if only one hole exists, it creates a paradox and the thing shatters at the point where it touched the holes.

"Look at that!" She exclaimed almost happily as I grabbed my blade with two arms and lifted it up next to my head and she through out her arms before bringing the break line to her face to look at it. "You finally did it! Infusing your given magic into a weapon!"

My blood froze at her choice of words before it started boiling.

"You really did kill her."

"Hmm? Who? You'll need to be more clear." She mocked me as I gritted my teeth.

"My mother! Not only did you take her blade! But you killed her too! How'd you know about that if it was not for that?!"

"It is getting boring to play with you." She sighed. "The mystery has become dull."

"Admit it!!"

"No, I didn't kill her." She shrugged her shoulders as if saying 'oh well, bummer' before grinning wildly. "Lets get to the finale shall we?! The final battle!!" And her laughed echoed loudly as she threw her head back with a back arch.

Before she lifted herself back up.

Her hood down.

My arms dropped from next to my head and hung in front of me, eyes going wide as numbness gripped my limbs... No.

"Yes... Let despair flow through your body!!"

I didn't feel the weight I was holding onto anymore despite being used to it, numbness making my skin itch.

"Did you really think they could kill me that easily?"

"How are you alive?" I whispered as I heard a far away echo of a scream, as if someone was trying to talk to me but I couldn't, concentrated on her.

"How? Simple, after Solor turned their backs on me, throwing me out like trash, they helped me... They gave me a reason to serve the right rulers, not some spoiled girls sat on a throne."

This can't be her, it can't, she would never betray...


"Oh but it is the truth Akito, as much as you despair on the truth it is what it is." She laughed. "I am alive... And I am back."

"You are not." I said, numbness having been crawling up my body now receding slowly as I lowered my head.

"Oh? But here I stand girl, in flesh and bones."

"No, you are not her." I said, numbness of my senses leaving.

"Stop lying to yourself!"

"No!" I looked up with a glare and lifted the katana high up again, the blackness on it blazing up stronger, having almost died out. "My mother died that day, you are not her, you haven't been her since the day you betrayed Solor.... You are not my mother anymore."

My words seemed to send her into a raging fury as the wild magic spell on my body shattered and my senses and strength came back to my as she slammed her broken blade against mine, breaking it yet again.


"My mother is dead!!" She kept swinging until her blade was no more and I side stepped the guard from hitting me and swung.

Her scream caused me to stop my attack.

"My mother." I started saying as she was holding her her shoulder and what was left of her arm, the most of it still twitching on the ground for a moment before laying motionless. "My mother was kind, just and honorable, you might have her face and her voice, even have her skills, strengths and sword, but you are not her, she'd never have joined someone like the empire of Lorik and acted in the way you did."


"You might have been my mother once.... But you are no more, not after what they did to you and who you are now. So... Get this in your mind and do not fight the truth, the truth always causes more despair right? You are not my mother, my mother died that day."

Her eyes were filled with bloodlust and hate and I got ready to cut her too pieces before a wyvern dove down and yanked her away, carrying her up and away.

"WE'LL MEET AGAIN AND THEN!!! THEN I WILL KILL YOU ARE ALL YOUR DISGUSTING PEOPLE." She yelled, holding the wyvern as if this get away had always been her plan, smiling like crazy at me before she disappeared.

I cried out when something cut into my shoulder before I cut the enemy in half with my sword.

It was easy to kill the last stragglers as I saw no more joined them, they must be retreating.

I sighed as the last body dropped.

And I dropped my blade in realization after it.

I spun on myself.


.The Shadow Knight.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ