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"Protect me from wrath merciful gods." I whispered to myself, my knuckles up at my mouth as I crouch on top of a stone gargoyle of a church and overlooking the dark castle as the sun set.

I touched the roof and left a big pocket realm hole on it.

I stood up straight and jumped off, throwing a large hole towards the window of the castle and another under myself, I pulled my arms by my side, these holes not contacting a surface or my hands are really unstable and I won't risk my well being.

I fell through and held my breath for the second my head passed through and was launched out the other exit, kicking in the window.

I twisted my body to face towards the ground as I landed, feet scratching against the ground with my left hand on the ground to keep myself from falling face first.

I didn't move for a little while before standing up and exiting the room.

I didn't really need Friz's help to know I was going to the castle in the end but I hoped it wasn't it, with this I'd have the reason to have Elise declare war when we met again.

I sighed quietly, walked passed guards, their eyes not seeing the shadow moving passed them, by the time I get home Elise and the others will have come back here for the festival, she awaited me back earlier, lets just hope this is worth her anger.


The castle was relatively empty since those important people living here were not here currently.

I had Friz lead me through the castle and down a flight of spiraling stairs that seemed endless, vanishing into thin air as I was making my way down it still.

My lips pulled into a thin line as it was getting more and more cold the deeper I went.

When I finally reached the bottom of the stairs I could see my breath when Friz reappeared on my shoulder, the soft colored glow he was giving off is what let me see.

It was not really a room more like a long hallway with rooms off of it which is worst then what I expected.

I glanced in through the bars on one of the door and saw nothing until something launched, the sharp teeth slamming around the bars as I jerked my head back.

I watched what was probably a human before but now a.... A monster-thing, eyes swimming in blood it was so bloodshot, teeth sharp, yellow and decayed, skin grotesquely stretched into an inhumane smile fixed with bloody, infected stitches, all the skin a sickly white, patches of baldness between the little hair I could see, the thing making a screeching, squeaking noise.

I watched it disgusted, who could do this to people?

I pulled my katana out of my pocket realm used it to force the lock off and kill the raging monster in one slash.

Now that I saw the whole body I was even more disgusted, they were kept naked and emaciated to the bone, I am surprised they could even move by the state they are in, their feet covered in frostbites and rotting away.

I swallowed my disgust and stored the body away in my pocket realm for proof what was going on here.

I glanced through the bars on another door but whatever would be inside was probably dead as nothing came at me but I smelt it.

I still opened the doors one after the others.

After the fifth I finally found what I was after unfortunately.

A little body that actually still was clothed, cooped up in the corner.

I crouched down, not wanting to scare them.

"Hey." I said softly, they were shivering and when you are unconscious you might shiver if cold but not this much. "I am here to help you."

Two probably brown eyes looked at me but said nothing.

I pulled off my mask and put it away, sitting on my knees.

"Layla right?" Still not answer, I pulled out the necklace. "I promised you save yo--" With speed I've never seen, not even from a shadow knight, the necklace was taken from me and she was back in her corner... Just what were they doing to these people?

She looks small rolled up but she must be at least a decade older then in the picture and in that I was looking at a young five to six year old child.

"Hey kid, I couldn't help her sorry." I still didn't know if they were sisters or mother and daughter but what I knew is Elise would never let her survive so I will keep the child safe from a heartache. "I promised I'd save you, trust me." I held me hand out, knowing she wouldn't take it but I needed her to chose me over this place and soon.

Kids like singing right? An evil person would not sing tho them.

Maybe I didn't choose the best song but death was going through my head and I cannot for the life of me come up with songs on the spot, I can only sing what I learnt before.

And I think I thought right as when I scooted closer she didn't react hostile.

I put my hand on her head when I was close enough, not grabbing her right away, not wanting to scare her.

"What a nice song~."

I tensed up and grabbed the child against me, despite her squirming at the start I didn't let go.

"I knew you'd come after our dealer was reported.... Missing."

"Executioner.... What you do here is heresy to the laws of the gods! You don't play with creation!"

"Screw the gods!"

"Ho--...I don't have time to deal with you."

"Too bad~"

I opened a pocket hole in my hand a let a jet of a fire spew out and flood the doorway and out of it before yanking one hole open on the wall and jumping through it.

I landed on the gargoyle statue of the church, coming out of the hole I left on the roof and sighed in relief as it finally vanished, it was tiring to keep it open while being so far from it.

The kid coughed, probably breathing in the air in the pocket realm but she should be fine.

"Lets get you to your new home." I said, hoping off and sprinting toward home, I don't want to find out if the executioner can still track me in this part of the empire.

.The Shadow Knight.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt