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We exist in the shadows.

I bent my back to stick my ass out, the skimpy outfit waving, almost lifting of my breasts and I twirled on myself, grabbing a coin from a man and sticking it down the valley between my breast.

We are nothing but legends.

I drop to my knees and do a come here motion with my hand, the man leaning up towards me.

We are the hidden force of the crown.

I dropped off the stage and on his lap, kissing him full on, tongue exploring his mouth.

We are death's shadow.

I winked at him and got off, switching off with a girl and going to the backroom.

We are the shadow knights.

I frowned softly, grabbing a plant pot and spiting the inactivated soul sucker poison into it before rinsing my mouth with water, my target should drop dead soon, he already had a few drinks before I got the poison into his system.

"Lucky I didn't drink anything." I said with a grin, changing out of this outfit that barely covered my form. This is the last time I let myself be convinced to take up an assassination work in a brothel, at least I escaped the need to get to sex, these men would be surprising that I am packing more then they do.

I pulled on my plain undergarments after observing the golden coin he gave to me, I won't say no to this.

My pants were plain black, a snug fit but nothing too tight or it would impede on my speed and movement, I pulled on knee high dark brown leather boots over them and tightly tied them, the inside having reinforcements around the toes and heel to protect against kicks as I am a simple human.

"Well... As simple as I can get." I mused to myself as I pulled on a black long sleeved undershirt on and tucked it in before tying my belt with hip pouches on it, the ends of the sleeves having a cloth piece that sew them together with a hole in it through which I passed my middle finger through.

I put on my leather corset, it wasn't those some of the upper class wore that constricted their waists, it was also leather  to protect me torso as it didn't cover my stomach.

Next were the dark brown leather bracers tightly tied around my forearms.

To finish with I grabbed my mask and it was a simple black mask covering the upper part of my face, leaving my mouth and lower uncovered, an enchantment was cast on it with wild magic that despite the two holes in it to see out off no one could see in, hiding who I was tho my blue eyes were common enough trait in Solor.

Well my hair was a bright white color which meant I needed to be more sneaky and cover my traces well, luckily I had tricks.

I pointed my fingers up together, as if I had just picked up a pinch of salt and pulled them apart, a pure black hole formed between my fingers and a bag of money fell out which I left out as payment to the owners of the brothel and shook my hand, the hole dissipating in black smoke as I took a deep breath and pulled a a fist sized flask out, plucked a strand of hair out and emptied the contents on it before I left, this way they'd forget I've been here as the gas will move through the air.


The wind whipped my hair, I had part of it short, finger length but shoulder length hair in the back. (This is the only image close to what I mean that I could find, short on top but long in the back.)

I jumped across the roofs and ran silently, only a few select people know those like me exist, shadow knights are special knights in the shadows as our name says so, serving the crown, be it legal or illegal

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I jumped across the roofs and ran silently, only a few select people know those like me exist, shadow knights are special knights in the shadows as our name says so, serving the crown, be it legal or illegal.

Only the current queen's and their eldest child to have the throne and our own families know about this as this was a job passed on from parent to child, my mother had been a shadow knight before she was killed, leaving me with my father, a shoemaker only, so it was hard for him to accept me risking my life constantly and rarely seeing me.

I rarely saw my father, once or twice a year, I was trained from birth by my mother to be a knight as it was my legacy, I excelled and became one of the best at only 22.

Solor currently has two queens, the same for the last two hundred years, queen of dragons Mystery and queen of Solor Audrey, stories of old tell of their achievements along with those of the gatekeeper Linniel whom I had the honor of meeting when I was younger, many generations of shadow knights served the royal family, queen Siera's descendants having moved down south to warmer lands while princess Kia had left the continent to sail the seas for a diplomatic meeting long ago.

Why am I thinking of all this suddenly? Oh yeah I was to present myself before the queen's first thing in the morning for a special mission as the captain of the shadows told me.

It was the type of magic I grasped that was special and made me dangerous, I could open holes to a pocket realm only I could access with my fingers only but that was the only magic of any source I could do.

I could not cast any type of magic, I lacked the ability, I could just open these hole between my fingers of whichever size I could pull my arms apart but it had pros too not just cons.

If an attack of any sort was sent at me and entered on of these holes it would be stored in that realm and when I opened another hole I could sent it back as my own attack, I have stock piled quite a list of attacks I have at my disposition, I just need to choose which I free from the pocket realm.

I sighed, what is with me being distracted tonight? Focus Akito dammit, focus.

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