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"Lady Akito, you shouldn't be out of be--" "Wynna I will--" I stopped talking, that empty promise of a threat shut her up, I think Elise is playing with her as she assigned the failed assassin as my personal maid because I scared the girl more then she did.

"R-right sorry." She still had her given outfit but one that was new and not the old used one she was lent, hair braided now.

"You are not our enemy anymore, I have no reason to hurt you." I sighed. "Now, help me here." I pushed myself up to sit before feeling her hand on my shoulder that wasn't in pain, the other one was because of the cut right by my neck, the blade having hit the bone strongly after all.

"You really shouldn't." She gulped but at least has some courage.

"I need to talk to the empress."

"I will call for her but please do not stand, you'll make your wounds worst."

"...Hurry up then!"


 I sighed as she left and scooted back so my back was against the headboard and leaned my head against it.

The cuts having been sown shut after I passed out and I was wrapped in layers of bandages, some slimy ointment over the burns, I didn't like the feeling but I'll put up with it for my own good, I've been burnt a few times, it is not pleasant.

I have many flame attacks in my pocket realm which meant people attacking me with flames for it to swallow up and store and when I had been given this ability by the spirit mom had took it upon herself to have me have a great arsenal of magic stored in it, I do need to remember what I want to send out.

I sighed, I need to be careful, if I die my lent magic is free to leave my body, the magic exploding outwards like when you shatter a dragon stone that had magic in it.... It would be one glorious explosion I am sure of it, so if I am to die I better die in the middle of my enemies or against someone so strong I cannot stop.

Or specifically choose the free all at once while I am alive but I have clothes, swords, food, rocks, fire, blood, dust or even hair in that, all that falls in the pocket realm is there as long as I keep it there, like my own personal library to use.

"Lady Akito.... The empress." Wynna said with a bow as she let her in.

"I wish to talk with her.... In private."

"Oh right sorry." She quickly left the room."

"You scare the poor girl Akito, she'll die before her age." Elise laughed. "But anyhow glad to see you are up."

"How are the others?" I asked.

"I should be asking how are you but well to ease your worries.... I only know of a few you'd care about so here we go, Kia wasn't happy we went and didn't tell her, Rain and Sel still training, the little mage mortified when we brought you back in the state you were in, Melore is terrorizing your shadows as you can't train them yourself and well I worried, worried you might not awake up."

"I am sorry.... She was on another league then all those I fought before." 

"I guess that's why they--She's called executioner, that's why you called me not to see me huh?"

"I am sorry but it is exactly for that."

She sat on the end of the bed.

"So what is there you want to tell me?"

"She is dangerous, she knows of what we shadow knight are, she is from Solor."

"That's dangerous." She whispered. "Anything else?"

"I think she is probably who killed my mother, she has the pair of my katana and she knows of me and what it means to me, she was there that day when they killed her."

"Hmm, you told me they never found her body right?"


"Akito I fear your mother might not have died but was made to seem so."


"Fake enough of a struggle to seem so.... I think she was kidnapped and tortured for information about the shadow knight."

"That would explain how she new my title and not my name, even if they somehow got info from my mother through whatever means necessary I know she wouldn't tell them my name."

"The executioner must have left that blade back on purpose for you to find it to make it more believable as if she fell off the cliff why would at least one of her weapons remain there?"

"Fate smiled upon me, I will be able to have them pay for what they did to me."

"First we'd need to find this executioner again... I have the feeling this is another attack from my parents."

"Send your over spies over."

"How? They have more people supporting them, the citizen are unable to to understand I am better for them."

"Don't turn to rich spy master men, I know you don't fancy them because of how they are but most your staff is still male, like Wynna here, make an offer no woman can refuse."

"Like what? I tried, gold isn't worth a life."

"Well choose one to your taste and promise her a crown."

"I might have three soon to be four wives but even I wouldn't do that."

"You kinda did, I was forced into this." She flicked my forehead.

"I gave out an exit if you wanted, any peasant would die for a crown."

"Maybe, you are right.... Skintaker people?"

"We live in peace but none would be willing to be my spy."

"Then let me call for a shadow, I know just whom would be the best, they can get into the mind of a bird and see through their eyes, they could spy and relay information."

"You think they are trust worthy?"

"They are a Solor shadow knight, we grow up under the reign of queens and had for generations, no man has been on the throne since the first appointed king mage in the great war that almost exterminated humanity.... Let me call them."

"So be it I trust your judgement.... Send for me if you remember anything important, I promised Kia to make it up to her."

"I won't hold you back then."

"Good." She stood, leaning over for a short kiss before walking out with a wave.

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