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I spun on myself and felt my katana slash through the leather armor the enemy was wearing, they needed to be light for their wyverns to carry them after all so they were easier to kill.

But one still got me and struck me in the back, trough the side before I decked him in the face and followed through with a slice through the neck.

I pulled the dagger out and chucked it through the eye-socket of another one while ducking the mace swing of another, they are way too many.

I dropped in a backwards roll and pushed myself through my hole and tumbled out the other side of the castle, the fools they were would try to follow me for a good while and die before noticing something is wrong so I have time to deal with this side.

I breathed in relief tho when I found a human Owen having already decimated this side.

"You needed help and I don't fit in here as a dragon, Aron and Maler are on their way back after the evacuation with a few knights." I nodded as he joined my side.

I hissed in pain as he pulled my upright and grasped on my side before sighing in relief.

"The gods bless your wild magic." I breathed out when the pain was gone and my body healed.

"It is useful for things huh?" He joked.

I was about to answer when I heard a scream.

"It is getting worryingly often that you are cut off by a scream." Owen said but I was already running.

"SEL!!!" I yelled, hoping she'd hear me.

"AKITO HELP ME!!!" I pushed on my legs as I got on the wall and ran, a straight path to were I was going.

"Out of the way!!" I shoved the men in my way, cut through them, just avoided them, I did all my possible as her screams held so much fear.

And I saw it before I was even near.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!!!" I yelled from the top of my lungs as I got punched in the face because of my distraction and fell down painfully on the ground. "SEL RUN!!" I yelled as I pushed myself up.

I couldn't beat the Executioner so how could she?

I pushed myself to my feet and got back on the wall with the help of my holes and shoved a throwing knife through the ribs of the man that hit me, eyes blazing with fear.

Sel was never in a war and the guards had trapped her in with the Executioner, she never was faced with a real life or death situation.

Fear is powerful, it can make your body shut down, even if you'd wish for your magic could be held back by your subconscious, or you might be even too scared to think to use it, she it just a kid.

Her swords were easily swatted from her hands by one swing from the Executioner, come on I am so close!

I jumped down and let a blast of the rare silver fire I had kept in my pocket realm for extreme situations escape from it, the people didn't even have the time to register their death that they were gone from the face of the world.

"Akito!" She turned to me and started to dash towards me, hand held out.

"Don't turn your bac--SEL!!!" I started to say, you never turn your back to an enemy like the Executioner but I was cut off by myself.

I rushed to meet and catch her as she collapsed in my arms.

"Sel! no!" I felt the Excutioner's blade press against my side as I was pulled down to my knees by Sel's body.

"A-ki--." I heard before I saw a boot coming and punt me away from Sel, causing me to drop her and the castle wall coming to meet me in a strong smack.

I groaned and quickly whipped my head up as the Executioner yanked the blade out of Sel carelessly.

"You..." I breathed out, fury making my voice tremble before I scrambled into a sprint as I yanked out my own katana and swung with a scream of anger. "YOU BASTARD!!!"

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