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"So... Settling in nicely?" I looked away from the window I was staring out off to look at the skintaker the que--empress referred to as Melore.

"Highness Melore." I bowed a little. "And yes, a very beautiful place."

"Mmm I never was the fan of honorifics, I'd prefer if it was just Melore between these walls."

"Your wish is my command Melore."

"Hmm." She grinned, eyes narrowing slightly as if she was remembering something. "I get it now why she went with you." I rose a brow but she just waved her hand dismissively.


"I'd like to formally meet, I am Melore, skintaker of the golden sun tribe, third wife and the weapon of Elise." I rose a brow at the hand she held out and grabbed it only to have her shake it really hard.

"Third wife?" I tilted my head.

"Oh right you weren't told were you? Elise has not one but three wives, the three of us, we help her to our best abilities and in exchange she loves each of us."

"Isn't that complicated?" I let myself ask.

"Can be when we do not agree on something between us but it is worth it."

"It is just rare for Solor, I never seen any of this."

"Don't worry, Elise is special, many didn't want her on the throne to start with as it broke the line of men on the throne of the empire but the oldest gets the throne so per tradition she was made empress, the old geezers are scared of us but not enough to not whisper about Elise needing a man to rule or a male heir to pass it down too."

"Solor is good in that sense that it is a queendom and will remain one." I said.

"We know, Kia talks a lot about her old home... Hey can't I see your face?"

"I don't usually show it to strangers."

"Oh you won't be a stranger for long with Elise." She said, again confusing me about what she meant but I didn't ask. "Follow me will you."

"Right away."

Following her lead me to a a room with light blue couches and a table.

"I got her." Melore said, stepping in first.

I grabbed the air in front of my an pulled a hole open as I crouched down, it was much hard for me to create holes that weren't on solid surfaces or connected between my fingers but I still could, the hole swallowing five icicles before puffing away, these holes I yank open within the air are the weakest and can only manifest for a few seconds.

"Fast reflexes.... Nice." I looked up at a smiling Rain as she snuffled the remaining icicles out of existence.

"Thank you?" I said.

"Don't worry, she is special." Ruffling the younger girls short chin length hair, Melore was a head taller then her with Kia the same height, I am nearly the same height as the two but I need to look slightly up for eye contact.

"I must be sure those chosen by Elise as up to level as my duty as the second wife." I rose a brow.

"Girls you didn't tell her?" Kia asked, noticing my eyes and looking judgingly at the two others.

"What can I say? It is fun seeing her try to figure it out."

"Melore you are mean." Rain sighed. I am so out of the loop on this one.

"So Akito was it?" I nodded at Kia. "I guess as the first wife I should be the one to explain since neither did my mothers nor these two say a word about this.... You were engaged to Elise the moment it was decided that you'd come here."

I took a step back, like punched in the chest.

"W-what?" A stutter slipped through in surprise.

"She did lie a bit to you, you are indeed one of the strongest but I bet you know you aren't The strongest right."

"Yeah I know that."

"Well you mostly caught your eyes and she wants you for herself before anyone gets to you."

"I--" I was in awe. "I am nothing special."

"Quite the contrary, white hair and blue eyes? Something she's never seen with this ability of yours, plus you are exactly her type, look at all of us, similar enough body to guess her likes." Melore chuckled at Kia's words.

"Engaged?" I asked, only that one word slipping out.

"Technically yes but only us know of that, she isn't evil like her reputation would make you believe, if you don't want it you can always back out."

"But as you see, neither of us did." Rain said with a smile.

I stayed silent, I don't think they know of my.... Condition... It would make anyone repulsed and I don't want to be an outcast.

"Well if such is my fate I'll be hers." I said, somewhat confident, marriages for titles or for money with no love are common, this is just another one of those, I hope I'll just get used to it.

"Don't worry little knight." Melore ruffled my hair. "You'll see light."

"What she means is you'll see this isn't all that bad."

"Oh alright." But I wasn't sure, not having expected this at all.

I didn't even get my say.... Well they said I could back out of it but could I really? With all the importance this has I don't think I can.

Why me?

.The Shadow Knight.Where stories live. Discover now