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I stood in the throne room, confused about the sight in front of me.

"What is this?" I asked, cringing at how loud my voice sounded in the silence.

"Lorik, the empire is half the size of ours and yet they have way more soldiers yes?" Rain asked despite it not being what I asked.

"Yes?" I cleared my throat, scratchy.

"Well they wanted to help us, bringing the fight back to a fair point." Melore said with a sad smile, a hand on my shoulder.

I gave a nod, now I know why Owen had gone missing for a month.

It hurt me to think one month had already past and still nothing was done by either of the armies, just waiting with our arms crossed for the other one to do something, none doing anything to attack the other.

It not only hurt it was infuriating, I wanted nothing more then to make them pay for what they did to us and who they took from us.

"So that's why you've gone missing." I said as I looked to Owen who had come get me to bring me here.

"Yes, you are aware my mothers are the queens, my sister Lin got a note and sent for me, either I came to escort them or they'd leave by their own doing and we couldn't endanger them."

"I suppose not." I said, looking over the little group of four mages that haven't spoken directly to me, whispering with Kia and Elise off to the side... Solor elemental mage...

"Little miss knight!" I almost smiled as Elise called me that again but I just couldn't right now. "Do come closer."

I left the little group of Melore, Owen and Rain, walking over as called.

"This comes from my blood mother." Kia handed my a rolled up parchment with the seal still on it, my name neatly wrote on it.

I rose a brow as I broke the wax off and unrolled it.


Realm knight,

Our condolences for your losses.

We know of the heavy weight on your shoulders already, the spirits are talking and the magic whispering of a change too come, tho we cannot speak of it to you, you must know you are more important in the grand scheme of things.

It is important that you understand this, we are aware of the mages departure and they have been told they will serve under your orders, they will rely on your as they trust you will help them survive with your knowledge, even our son Owen and our daughter Kia, even if she doesn't show it, trusts you with her life... But do not trust them with yours.

I know it is confusing but if you need to choose between them dying or you, you need to sacrifice them, there is something in your future and Elise's that requires your survival. Kill our children, kill our mages, kill your most trusted shadow but be sure to save yourself.

The spirits are anxious about the next battle.

It will be the last one you fight.

Talk to no one of this and destroy the message.

-Silver and Purple queens.


I lowered the paper in shock before doing as told, having a small flame flicker out of a hole and burn the message in my hands.

"So you came here for Sel?" I asked the mages.

"She'd write letters home." A blue haired girl said. "She always talked about how good this place was."

"And how she missed us but was happy with you." A green haired girl said next.

I looked at the yellow and red haired boys, gods all look as young as Sel... How could I have let her die?

"And?" I asked.

"She believed in you." the red headed spoke as I was looking at him. "So we want to help protect what she loved about this place, we want to help."

"And revenge." The other whispered but I heard him.

I took a deep breath and looked at Elise.

"Don't look at me, this is your choice." She said with a smile.

I thought back to the still burning ashes of the message... Let them all die in exchange for my life if needed.... Would I be able to do that? Why do I need to do that? Why?

"Fine, you'll fight with us but doing nothing is not an option anymore, we need to act, waiting will change nothing."

"Then we are on the same page."

.The Shadow Knight.Where stories live. Discover now