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'Keep an eye open for evil that shall not await long.'

I looked around, guards up.

We arrived at the lunch room and all seemed normal, the emperor and his family on one side of the long table and Elise and us on the other.

But something was off.

So dear family, ready for the second day of festivities? I heard there'd be organised fights in the district of Empoth, I know you enjoy those." Elise casually asked as we sat down. "What's wrong? You are all making such faces over there."

I could see Owen standing with the guard, we decided he'd try to teach the normal guards since he was a man and despite it all they'd listen to him easier then they'd listen to me and I mostly looked after the new shadows, right now, being my right hand man his duty was to look after my and my superiors safety.

"How can you let a filth sit at the table." I put down the cup I had just picked up.

"What filth? Mage Sel? I'll have you know a mage is considered a high noble in hierarchy if you would be so nice to not forget, she along with my two wives here are from Solor as discussed and Akito and Sel are both hand picked by both queens that reign over that land." I would have smiled that Elise defended Sel but I had my training. "Oh and look over there!" She feigned surprise. "My dear, Kia's brother and underline of my dear Akito, the only true man that deserves respect." She jabbed at her father and brothers with those words.

Donoven wanted to retort but his brother stopped him, shaking his head, wise move.


Lunch started of casually, a forced casual conversation between the family and Elise while I looked at Lilia, there was an aura to her I didn't like, too monotone to be true, I had the right idea to keep my eyes on her, something is off.

I lifted my cup to my lips and stopped after a sip, sighing and drinking it all, Kia giving me a look.

"If I my speak." I said calmly, fingers holding the cup around the rim of it, staring at the gems reflect the light coming at them.

"Sure do speak." Elise smiled.

"I wouldn't drink the wine if I were you, poisoned." I said casually, knocking my cup over and what few drops of wine remained in it staining the light blue table cloth before bubbling a little and drying really fast into the fabric, a small pillar of smoke rising up.

"I suspected that much." Kia said, tipping her cup over and the same happened, looking at each other and seeing Sel hurried put hers down before she got a drink.

"This is the second time, what will I do?" Elise sighed. "Lynch the culprit? Drip acid on them slowly? Skin them alive? Hmm what shall it be?" She asked, looking straight in the eyes of her parents who were sweating under her gaze. "Tell me what should I do.... Mother?" She asked, her mentioning someone meant nothing good.

"W-who are you to accuse me?!"

"Weren't you the one that is so picky about wine she insisted of choosing today's herself? And none of you even touched your cups, go on, just one sip." I held in a reaction, only sighing softly.

"Don't tal--" "I talk how I want in my empire father and do please get that ingrained in your mind.... Now mother, do take a sip if it wasn't you, if someone else was asked like a butler by someone your cups should all be good to drink."

There was a tense silence and no one moved, she sighed in almost child like disappointment.

"You know this is unwise to do here, you are unaware of what I can do."

"I did nothing of sorts!"

"Elise please." Kia said. "It is only Wither Away, this time it doesn't smell but they neglected hiding the taste, you know as your shield I am unaffected."

"Shall we do something with them Elise?" I asked, eyeing the princess and her cold eyes, she stared back at me.

"Oh let them be, they did nothing wrong right? It was not them that poisoned the drink after all, lets just hope we find the culprit soon." she said, the words ringing out as a threat and a deal, it is their last chance.

Keep it down Akito.

I watched the mother leave disgruntled, the father quickly following and forcing the kids to do so.

"You are aware this is stupid of you?" Elise asked me.

"I am well aware." I held up my hand and heard Owen walk up, setting a small vial in my hand, I uncapped it and drank it. "But I had a back up, I would not let myself be cleaned."

"But now we have a reason to declare war, they tried to kill us again." Rain said.

"Still think Lilia could do that?" Melore added.

"Yes." I plainly said, surprising her as she thought I'd change my ideas on her. "She has something to her, something I cannot pinpoint, the others all made a move to grab their glasses before pulling their hands back but she never did, she knew from the start, three options here, one she has impeccable memory and never forgot her parents telling her, two she saw your mother do it or three she actually did is herself, your mother did look surprised by the blame."

"There was a piece of her clothes found there tho."

"Lilia, if we stick with her being the mastermind, would have an alibi if it was a piece of her mother's clothing that was found since it is not her clothes."

"Akito please do not drink poison again."

"Right Elise I apologize."

"And I want to know what it up with my sister by tomorrow morning, you have all at your disposition."

"Right." I nodded, ready for my assignment.

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