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5 years later

In five years, not much happened. Me and Pope both got a scholarship at the same college which we were currently attending. Kiara also went to college, it's a different college but she is still really close to us. JJ is just working his way through life going from job to job. John B also didn't go to college but he still has a really good job Sarah helped him get. And Sarah is doing online college. The best thing about everything is the fact that we all stayed really close.

Me and Pope were still together, better then ever. As were JB and Sarah. When Kiara went to college, her and JJ called off their relationship. They are still really good friends and I have a feeling they will get back together with each other some where down the road.

"I have to do this essay with a kid in my class and he hasn't been doing his part, and if he makes us get a bad grade I'm going to be pissed," said Pope. Spring break was right around the corner so professors were making us doing a whole bunch of work.

"Just do his part as well. That's what I do," I said as I turned the steering wheel of my car. We were currently on our way to John B and Sarah's Place. Sarah moved into John B house because it was just easier.

"Well I will eventually do his part it's just annoying," shrugged Pope. I quickly glanced over at him before putting my eyes back on the road.

The rest of the ride was silent. Mainly because Pope was sending his essay partner an email to do his work. Not to be rude to my boyfriend, but sometimes he can be a Karen. I won't say that to him though cause one time I did and it caused this whole argument.

"Yo yo yo!" Said JJ as we pulled into John B's.

"Hey guys," I said as me and Pope got out of my car.
We walked over to where the group was seated.

"So, how's the old shack been," I said.

"Don't call it a shack, you are going to hurt it's feeling," said JB with a pout.

"Objects don't have feelings," said Pope.

"Why do you have to be so technical," scoffed John B.

"Someone around here has to be," said Sarah.

"She's got a point," said Kiara. "JB, you have done some questionable things in your life."

"So had Pope!" Said John B.

"Yeah because you have made me do some of them," said Pope. I just sat back and listened to the ridiculous things they were saying. To be in this friend group, sometimes you just have to listen and not say anything.

"Anyways.." said JJ. "I went to the boy yard yesterday, and let me tell you. The new high schoolers are weird."

"Explain weird," said Kiara.

"The Kooks and Pogues get along now. That's weird," said JJ.

"Maybe it's for the better," I said.

"But it's not how Outer Banks should work," JJ said.

"JJ, maybe you're just the weird one," said Sarah.

Even after all these years, we still act like the careless high schoolers that we were. I would do anything to go back to high school. Everything was just so fun and carefree. We went on some crazy ass adventures during the summers here.

But everything I have done has lead me up to this point and I wouldn't change anything for the world. All thanks to the Pogues.

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